Record01=Add to Mission Var|AddToMissionVar|Add a value to a Mission variable (1-10), default value is 1.|Var Index (1-10),int,1,1|int|Value,float,1,1|float|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|1|1|Gun|0|0|0|1
Record02=Add to Entity Var|AddToEntityVar|Add a value to the Entity variable (1-5), default value is 1.|Var Index (1-5),int,1,1|int|Value,float,1,1|float|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|1|1|Gun|0|0|0|0
Record06=setFormationSpreadDistanceMode|[None]|Change the distance in the formation|ToCloseFormation,bool,1,1|bool|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|1|0|AA|0|1|0|0
Record09=lockOnPrimaryTargetClosestAirThreat|[None]|Good For Escort on primary|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|1|0|AA|0|1|0|0
Record10=PrintToScreen|[None]|PrintToScreen messeges good for debug|Message,string,[None],1|string|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|1|0|AA|0|1|0|0
Record11=UnfreezeScripts|UnfreezeScripts|Remuves the freeze|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|1|0|AA|0|1|0|0
Record12=Set Mission Var|SetMissionVar|Set a value into a Mission variable (1-10), default value is 0.|Var Index (1-10),int,1,1|int|Value,float,0,1|float|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|1|1|Gun|0|0|0|1
Record13=Set Entity Var|SetEntityVar|Set a value into the Entity variable (1-5), default value is 0.|Var Index (1-5),int,1,1|int|Value,float,0,1|float|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|1|1|Gun|0|0|0|0
Record14=FreezeScripts|FreezeScripts|Stops the scriplts of the entity|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|1|0|AA|0|1|0|0
Record15=Substract from Mission Var|SubtractFromMissionVar|Substract a value from a Mission variable (1-10), default value is 1.|Value,float,1,1|float|Var Index (1-10),int,1,1|int|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|1|1|Gun|0|0|0|0
Record16=Substract from Entity Var|SubtractFromEntityVar|Substract a value from the Entity variable (1-5), default value is 1.|Value,float,1,1|float|Var Index (1-5),int,1,1|int|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|1|1|Gun|0|0|0|0
Record84=passControlToPlayer|[None]|passControlToPlayer or to brain|player control,bool,1,1|bool|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|1|0|0|0|1|0|0
Record86=PlaySound|[None]|plays a MSG|Msg,Msg:Name,[None],1|Msg|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|1|0|AA|0|1|0|1
Record87=SendCommand|[None]|sends a command for the ume missions|Entity,Entity:Name,[None],1|Entity|Coomand,CommandEnum:Name,[None],1|CommandEnum|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|1|0|AA|0|1|0|1
Record88=setDesignation|[None]|setDesignation of the object to on off|DesignateOn,bool,1,1|bool|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|1|0|0|0|1|0|0
Record89=SetInitialCharacter|[None]|sets the initial character to the UME entity|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|1|0|0|0|1|0|0
Record90=RescheduleTakeoffToNow|[None]|sets waypoint time to start now , soplanes will scramble on takeof command|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|1|0|0|0|1|0|0
Record91=skipWaypoints|[None]|skips waypoint forward and back|skip,int,1,1|int|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|1|0|0|0|1|0|0
Record92=sortAirTargets|sortAirTargets|sorts targets in a formation|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|1|0|AA|0|1|0|0
Record93=SetNewCharacter|[None]|stes a new character to UME missions|New character,string,[none],1|string|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|1|1|0|0|1|0|0
Record94=SetLights|SetLights|turn lights on and off|Lights,bool,1,1|bool|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|1|0|AA|0|1|0|0
Record04=Air Force 1|VC25A|ControlledAircraft|LargePlane|aircraft|Aircraft|Transport|Navigate|Blue|20000|0|0|0|[None]|500|1|1|AF-1|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|1|1|0|0|0|1|0|1|1|1|0|1500|3000|\Menu\DME\Icons\BlueAircraftIcon.bmp|\Menu\DME\Icons\RedAircraftIcon.bmp|[None]|[None]|0|0|0|0|0|0|0
Record75=ComCenter|Com Center |TargetBuilding|SubBuilding|structure|Stationary|Buildings|[None]|Red|0|0|0|0|[None]|3000|1|1|ComCenter|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|0|0|0|0|1|0|0|1|1|1|0|200|200|\Menu\DME\Icons\BlueStructureIcon.bmp|\Menu\DME\Icons\RedStructureIcon.bmp|[None]|[None]|0|0|0|0|0|0|1
Record76=ComCenter1|Com Center |TargetBuilding|SubBuilding|structure|Stationary|Buildings|[None]|Red|0|0|0|0|[None]|3000|1|1|ComCenter1|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|0|0|0|0|1|0|0|1|1|1|0|200|200|\Menu\DME\Icons\BlueStructureIcon.bmp|\Menu\DME\Icons\RedStructureIcon.bmp|[None]|[None]|0|0|0|0|0|0|1
Record77=ComCenter2|Com Center |TargetBuilding|SubBuilding|structure|Stationary|Buildings|[None]|Red|0|0|0|0|[None]|3000|1|1|ComCenter2|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|0|0|0|0|1|0|0|1|1|1|0|200|200|\Menu\DME\Icons\BlueStructureIcon.bmp|\Menu\DME\Icons\RedStructureIcon.bmp|[None]|[None]|0|0|0|0|0|0|1
Record78=ComCenter3|Com Center |TargetBuilding|SubBuilding|structure|Stationary|Buildings|[None]|Red|0|0|0|0|[None]|3000|1|1|ComCenter3|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|0|0|0|0|1|0|0|1|1|1|0|200|200|\Menu\DME\Icons\BlueStructureIcon.bmp|\Menu\DME\Icons\RedStructureIcon.bmp|[None]|[None]|0|0|0|0|0|0|1
Record79=ComCenter4|Com Center |TargetBuilding|SubBuilding|structure|Stationary|Buildings|[None]|Red|0|0|0|0|[None]|3000|1|1|ComCenter4|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|0|0|0|0|1|0|0|1|1|1|0|200|200|\Menu\DME\Icons\BlueStructureIcon.bmp|\Menu\DME\Icons\RedStructureIcon.bmp|[None]|[None]|0|0|0|0|0|0|1
Record85=Electric_Pole|Electric Pole |Building|SubBuilding|structure|Stationary|Buildings|[None]|Blue|0|0|0|0|[None]|5000|1|1|Electric_Pole|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|11|1|0|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|0|200|200|\Menu\DME\Icons\BlueStructureIcon.bmp|\Menu\DME\Icons\RedStructureIcon.bmp|[None]|[None]|0|0|0|0|0|0|1
Record89=F-15E|F-15E|ControlledAircraft|F15E|aircraft|Aircraft|Advanced Fighters|AG Super Brain|Blue|22000|31700|81000|0|[None]|400|1|1|F-15E|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|9|2|0|1|0|1|0|0|1|1|0|800|800|\Menu\DME\Icons\BlueAircraftIcon.bmp|\Menu\DME\Icons\RedAircraftIcon.bmp|[None]|[None]|0|0|0|0|F-15E|0|0
Record98=F4g|F-4G|ControlledAircraft|F4|aircraft|Aircraft|Fighters|AG Multi leader|Blue|12290|34000|62300|0|[None]|350|1|1|F4g|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|9|2|0|0|0|1|0|0|1|1|0|1000|1500|\Menu\DME\Icons\BlueAircraftIcon.bmp|\Menu\DME\Icons\RedAircraftIcon.bmp|[None]|[None]|0|0|0|0|0|0|0
Column9Prop=EndMovie,string,[None],1,0,movie to be played when the campaignends,[None]
Record00=Fly Now|Fly Now|Fly Now|Fly Now Missions|[None]|[None]|[None]|0|0|[None]
Record01=Future - Germany|Future|Germany|[None]|\Brief\Future\Germany\GermanyInfo|\Brief\Future\Germany\GermanyInfo|Operation Grey Fox Medal|Awarded for successfully completing all assigned missions in Operation Sleeping Giant participating in the NATO effort and defending Western Europe from a Third World War.|1|ger_po.wve
Record02=Future - Grand Canyon|Future|Grand Canyon|[None]|\Brief\Future\Grand Canyon\GCInfo|\Brief\Future\Grand Canyon\GCInfo|Grand Canyon Medal|Is hereby awarded for the completion of all assigned missions in Operation Red Arrow, successfully eliminating all Red force efforts.|1|grand_po.wve
Record03=Historical - Gulf War|Historical|Gulf-War|[None]|[None]|[None]|Kuwait Medal|Awarded for successfully completing all assigned missions in operation Desert Storm, Iraq, 1991.|0|gulf_po.wve
Record04=Historical - Vietnam|Historical|Vietnam|Vietnam War Missions|[None]|[None]|Vietnam Service Medal|For successfully completing all assigned missions in Vietnam, 1967 - 1972.|0|viet_po.wve
Record10=Template Missions|General|Template Mission|All template missions, loaded before a mission and contain general data such as airfields.|[None]|[None]|[None]|0|0|[None]
Record02=ARE_ELEMENTS_SEPARATED|[None]|checks if 3 is duing formation manuver|IsSaparated,bool,0,1|bool|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|1|0|0
Record05=CUR_WAYPOINT|CUR_WAYPOINT|The next waypoint number|Waypoint Number,int,0,1|int|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|1|1|0
Record06=DAMAGE_VALUE|DAMAGE_VALUE|Damage value in precent|Precentage of Damage,int,0,1|int|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|1|1|0
Record07=DISTANCE_TO_PRIMARY_TARGET|DISTANCE_TO_PRIMARY_TARGET|Distance to primary target in meters|Distance (m),int,0,1|int|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|1|0|0
Record08=FLIGHT_STAGE|FLIGHT_STAGE|Checks the flight stage of the next waypoint|Flight Stage of next waypoint,WptStageEnum:Name,[None],1|WptStageEnum|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|1|0|0
Record09=FUEL_LEFT|FUEL_LEFT|Quantity of internal fuel in pounds|Internal Fuel Quantity (Pounds),int,0,1|int|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|1|0|0
Record12=GET_DISTANCE_TO_CLOSEST_AIR_THREAT|[None]|distance to Air threat in meters|Distance(m),int,0,1|int|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|1|0|0
Record13=GET_DISTANCE_TO_CLOSING_MISSILE|[None]|Distance to closest missle|Distance(m),int,0,1|int|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|1|0|0
Record14=GET_DISTANCE_TO_PRIMARY_AIR_THREAT|[None]|Good for checking who is threatening an escorted primary|Disatce(m),int,o,1|int|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|1|0|0
Record15=GET_ENTITY_VAR|GET_ENTITY_VAR|[None]|Value,float,0,1|float|Var Index (1-5),int,0,1|int|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|1|1|0
Record17=GET_LEADER_PRIMARY_TARGET_DISTANCE|[None]|Distance from me to leader target|Distance(m),int,0,1|int|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|1|0|0
Record18=GET_MISSION_VAR|GET_MISSION_VAR|[None]|Value,float,0,1|float|Var Index (1-10),int,0,1|int|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|1|1|1
Record27=GET_NUMBER_OF_LGB_BOMBS|[None]|GET_NUMBER_OF_LGB_BOMBS|Nr Of LGB,int,0,1|int|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|1|0|0
Record28=GET_NUMBER_OF_MAVRIK_MISSILES|[None]|returns the number of harm missiles|Nr of MAVRICK,int,1,1|int|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|1|0|0
Record29=GET_NUMBER_OF_RADAR_MISSILES|[None]|GET_NUMBER_OF_RADAR_MISSILES|Nr of MRM,int,0,1|int|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|1|0|0
Record30=GET_NUMBER_OF_TV_MISSILES|[None]|GET_NUMBER_OF_TV_MISSILES|Nr Of TV,int,0,1|int|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|1|0|0
Record34=GET_TARGET_FORMATION_POSITION|[None]|GET_TARGET_FORMATION_POSITION" int(1-4 or -1 when no target) |TargetPosition,int,1,1|int|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|1|0|0
Record40=IS_ANY_MEMBER_ON_MY_PRIMARY|[None]|IS_ANY_MEMBER_ON_MY_PRIMARY|member on my pri,bool,1,1|bool|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|1|0|0
Record41=IS_ANY_MEMBER_ON_MY_SECONDARY|[None]|IS_ANY_MEMBER_ON_MY_SECONDARY|Member on my sec,bool,1,1|bool|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|1|0|0
Record42=IS_ANY_MEMBER_ON_MY_TARGET|[None]|IS_ANY_MEMBER_ON_MY_TARGET|Member on my target,bool,1,1|bool|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|1|0|0
Record43=IS_ANY_TARGET_IN_PLAYER_RADAR|[None]|IS_ANY_TARGET_IN_PLAYER_RADAR ( for WSO)|true,bool,1,1|bool|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|1|0|0
Record44=IS_CALLED_BY_COMMAND|[None]|checks if brain instance is called from a command|called by command,bool,0,1|bool|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|1|0|0
Record45=IS_CONTROLLED_BY_PLAYER|[None]|Am I controlled by the player|Controled by player,bool,0,1|bool|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|1|0|0
Record47=IS_FORMATION_MEMBER_AIRBORNE|[None]|checks about existance of members|Is Alive,bool,1,1|bool|FormationMember,int,1,1|int|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|1|0|0
Record51=IS_LEADER_CONTROLLED_BY_PLAYER|[None]|IS_LEADER_CONTROLLED_BY_PLAYER|Leader is Player,bool,1,1|bool|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|1|0|0
Record52=IS_LEADER_LOCKED_ON_AIR_TARGET|[None]|IS_LEADER_LOCKED_ON_AIR_TARGET|Leader on AA,bool,1,1|bool|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|1|0|0
Record53=IS_LEADER_LOCKED_ON_GROUND_TARGET|[None]|IS_LEADER_LOCKED_ON_GROUND_TARGET|leader on AA,bool,1,1|bool|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|1|0|0
Record54=IS_LIGHTS_ON|[None]|IS_LIGHTS_ON|My light are on,bool,1,1|bool|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|1|0|0
Record57=IS_MEMBER_ALIVE|[None]|checks of member is alive|alive,bool,1,1|bool|member position:,int,1,1|int|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|1|0|0
Record58=IS_MEMBER_REFUELING|[None]|who is refueling 0 for me|refueling,bool,1,1|bool|formation member (o-4),int,0,1|int|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|1|0|0
Record68=LINE_OF_SIGHT|LINE_OF_SIGHT|TRUE if there is line of sight between me and my radar target. |True(1) / False(0),bool,1,1|bool|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|1|1|0
Record69=LOWER_THAN_TARGET|LOWER_THAN_TARGET|TRUE if the querying entity is lower than locked target, else False|True(1) / False(0),bool,1,1|bool|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|1|0|0
Record71=PRIMARY_TARGET_DESTROYED|PRIMARY_TARGET_DESTROYED|True if Primary Target is destroyed, else False|True(1) / False(0),bool,1,1|bool|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|1|1|0
Record72=RANDOM|RANDOM|Generates a number between 0 - 100|Generated number value,int,0,1|int|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|1|1|1
Record81=TARGET_DELTA_HIGHT|TARGET_DELTA_HIGHT|Radar target altitude minus my altitude, in feet.|Target Delta Height (feet),int,0,1|int|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|1|1|0
Record82=TARGET_DESTROYED|TARGET_DESTROYED|Current target damage is 100%|True(1) / False(0),bool,1,1|bool|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|1|1|0
Record84=TARGET_HEADING|TARGET_HEADING|Current target heading in degrees|Heading (deg),int,0,1|int|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|1|1|0
Record85=TARGET_IN_CURRENT_MISSILE_DLZ|TARGET_IN_CURRENT_MISSILE_DLZ|Current target is in the current missileÆs DLZ|True(1) / False(0),bool,1,1|bool|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|1|0|0
Record86=TARGET_IS_AN_AIR_TARGET|TARGET_IS_AN_AIR_TARGET|If current target is an aircraft or helicopter then TRUE, else False|True(1) / False(0),bool,1,1|bool|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|1|1|0
Record87=TARGET_IS_A_PLAYER|TARGET_IS_A_PLAYER|Current target is the player or a human flown aircraft in multiplayer.|True(1) / False(0),bool,1,1|bool|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|1|1|0
Record90=TARGET_MISSED|TARGET_MISSED|True if i've been fired at.|True(1) / False(0),bool,0,1|bool|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|1|1|0
Record91=TARGET_NOT_IN_COMBAT|TARGET_NOT_IN_COMBAT|True if target is not in combat mode, else False|True(1) / False(0),bool,0,1|bool|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|1|1|0
Record92=TARGET_RANGE|TARGET_RANGE|Compares the range to target in meters to the given value|Range to target (m),int,0,1|int|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|1|1|0
Record93=TARGET_VELOCITY|TARGET_VELOCITY|Compares the target velocity in knots to the given value|Target velocity (knots),int,0,1|int|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|1|1|0
Record94=VELOCITY|VELOCITY|My velocity in knots|My velocity (knots),int,0,1|int|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|1|1|0
Record96=WINGMAN_DESTROYED|WINGMAN_DESTROYED|True if wingman is destroyed, else False|True(1) / False(0),bool,0,1|bool|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|1|0|0
Record97=WINGMAN_ON_GROUND|WINGMAN_ON_GROUND|True if wingman on ground|True(1) / False(0),bool,0,1|bool|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|1|0|0
Record98=_G|_G|My current G|Value,int,0,1|int|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|[None]|1|0|0
Record68=General|In Cockpit|General71|Mission_Sounds\General\General71.wav|Splash that MiG!
Record69=General|Control|General72|Mission_Sounds\General\General72.wav|This is Disco on Guard there are white bandits bullseye 050 for 30.
Record70=General|Control|General73|Mission_Sounds\General\General73.wav|This is Disco on Guard there are red bandits bullseye 050 for 30.
Record71=General|Control|General74|Mission_Sounds\General\General75.wav|This is Disco on Guard there are black bandits bullseye 270 for 40.
Record72=General|Control|General75|Mission_Sounds\General\General75.wav|This is Disco on Guard there are yellow bandits bullseye 080 for 20.
Record73=General|Control|General76|Mission_Sounds\General\General76.wav|This is T-ball on Guard bandits bulls eye 040 for 30.
Record74=General|Control|General77|Mission_Sounds\General\General77.wav|This is T-ball on Guard bandits bulls eye 090 for 19 heading south low.
Record75=General|In Cockpit|General78|Mission_Sounds\General\General79.wav|Beeàyeautiful! Look at that guy burn!
Record76=General|Yeeha|General79|Mission_Sounds\General\General79.wav|Fann...tastic, what a show!
Record77=General|Hit|General_8|Mission_Sounds\General\General8.wav|T-Bird, IP inbound
Record78=General|Yeeha|General80|Mission_Sounds\General\General80.wav|Holy cowà What an explosion!
Record79=General|Yeeha|General81|Mission_Sounds\General\General81.wav|What a light show.. It must be the 4th of July!
Record80=General|Hit|General_9|Mission_Sounds\General\General9.wav|Wow, look at all those tanks!
Record81=Mission|Germany|Blow1|Mission_Sounds\Germany\Blow1.wav|This is Big Bird, primary target destroyed! Ford, Olds, Stingray, clear to ingress!
Record82=Mission|Germany|GerSup1.wav|Mission_Sounds\Germany\GerSup1.wav|Austin, this is Erding control, the cargo shipment is at 12 o'clock, ten miles. Escort them back for landing.
Record83=Mission|Germany|GerSup10.wav|Mission_Sounds\Germany\GerSup10.wav|This is Cargo 1, we have just landed, thanks a lot guys!
Record84=Mission|Germany|GerSup11.wav|Mission_Sounds\Germany\GerSup11.wav|This is Cargo 2, we are safely landed, you have been great!
Record85=Mission|Germany|GerSup12.wav|Mission_Sounds\Germany\GerSup12.wav|This is Cargo 3, we are alive and on the ground! That was close!
Record86=Mission|Germany|GerSup2.wav|Mission_Sounds\Germany\GerSup2.wav|Austin! Austin this is Erding, two bandits! Closing in from the north! Close range! Don't let them get the loads!
Record87=Mission|Germany|GerSup3.wav|Mission_Sounds\Germany\GerSup3.wav|Buick, wake up! Scramble now, two MiGs incoming from the south! I repeat, Buick, scramble now, two MiGs incoming in from the south!
Record88=Mission|Germany|GerSup4.wav|Mission_Sounds\Germany\GerSup4.wav|Hey guys, thank you for the escort. We are about to start our decent for landing. See you on the ground.
Record89=Mission|Germany|GerSup5.wav|Mission_Sounds\Germany\GerSup5.wav|Mayday! Mayday! We are under attack!
Record90=Mission|Germany|GerSup6.wav|Mission_Sounds\Germany\GerSup6.wav|Get these busters, they are shooting at us!
Record91=Mission|Germany|GerSup7.wav|Mission_Sounds\Germany\GerSup7.wav|This is Cargo 1, we have been hit! We have been hit!
Record92=Mission|Germany|GerSup8.wav|Mission_Sounds\Germany\GerSup8.wav|This is Cargo 2, we're going down!
Record93=Mission|Germany|GerSup9.wav|Mission_Sounds\Germany\GerSup9.wav|This is Cargo 3, we're hit! Going for an emergency landing!
Record94=Mission|Germany|Pro1|Mission_Sounds\Germany\Pro1.wav|Austin 2 locked on SAM Radar.
Record95=Mission|Germany|Pro10|Mission_Sounds\Germany\Pro10.wav|Buick, Viper, Well done! You destroyed the camp's primary target.
Record96=Mission|Germany|Pro11|Mission_Sounds\Germany\Pro11.wav|Buick, Big Bird, watch out buggies are heading your way.
Record97=Mission|Germany|Pro2|Mission_Sounds\Germany\Pro2.wav|Austin, Big Bird, enemy choppers southeast of you heading for the border. Clear to Engage!
Record98=Mission|Germany|Pro3|Mission_Sounds\Germany\Pro3.wav|Buick, Viper, I've spotted the Ruskie's headquarters, but it's out of my firing range need you to destroy this camp with your laser bombs. I'll start designating the target for you in one minute.
Record99=Mission|Germany|Pro4|Mission_Sounds\Germany\Pro4.wav|Buick, Big Bird. We have a ground force in trouble, call sign Tiger. They will contact you on this channel. Help them out!
Record100=Mission|Germany|Pro5|Mission_Sounds\Germany\Pro5.wav|Buick this is Tiger lead. We've broken through the enemy's line, I repeat we've broken through the enemy's line, but there's multiple fire from my south wing, I need you to secure my south wing, I can't hold out any longer.
Record101=Mission|Germany|Pro6|Mission_Sounds\Germany\Pro6.wav|Tiger leader this is Tiger 3, I'm being butchered, where's our air support, we won't last much longer!
Record102=Mission|Germany|Pro7|Mission_Sounds\Germany\Pro7.wav|Buick this is Tiger lead. We made it, we made it! Destination secured, thanks to you!
Record103=Mission|Germany|Pro8|Mission_Sounds\Germany\Pro8.wav|Nice hits! There's more tanks around that position.
Record104=Mission|Germany|Pro9|Mission_Sounds\Germany\Pro9.wav|Buick, Viper, I've started designating your target, you are free to engage.
Record105=Mission|Germany|Red1|Mission_Sounds\Germany\Red1.wav|Austin, Austin, Big Bird, enemy helicopters and fighters incoming from north, east and south! Clear to engage!
Record106=Mission|Germany|Red2|Mission_Sounds\Germany\Red2.wav|Helicopters have landedàtoo lateà
Record107=Mission|Germany|Red3|Mission_Sounds\Germany\Red3.wav|Northern helicopters are nearing Erding AFB! Destroy them before they land, they're carrying commando troops with them!
Record108=Mission|Germany|Red4|Mission_Sounds\Germany\Red4.wav|Eastern helicopters are nearing Erding AFB! Destroy them before they land!
Record109=Mission|Germany|Red5|Mission_Sounds\Germany\Red5.wav|Southern helicopters are nearing Erding AFB! Destroy them before they land!
Record110=Mission|Germany|Red6|Mission_Sounds\Germany\Red6.wav|All formations, there are two incoming cruise missiles, heading to the base, from the east, stop them at all costs!
Record111=Mission|Germany|Red7|Mission_Sounds\Germany\Red7.wav|Choppers are getting closer! Push it up!
Record112=Mission|Germany|Red8|Mission_Sounds\Germany\Red8.wav|All formations, from Big Bird, enemy fighters and helicopters have crossed the border, central command has declared condition red, clear to engage, I repeat, clear to fire at all Russian targets!
Record126=Mission|Germany|Special16|Mission_Sounds\Germany\Special16.wav|Stingray, destroyed my target. Egressing.
Record127=Mission|Germany|Special17|Mission_Sounds\Germany\Special17.wav|Austin and Buick, Big Bird! I've got multiple bandits, low altitude, heading to Munich! Clear to engage!
Record128=Mission|Germany|Special18|Mission_Sounds\Germany\Special18.wav|Austin and Buick, they're pulling up! You've got to hit them. Now!
Record129=Mission|Germany|Special18|Mission_Sounds\Germany\Special18.wav|Austin and Buick, they're pulling up! You've got to hit them. Now!
Record130=Mission|Germany|Special19|Mission_Sounds\Germany\Special19.wav|The city is hit! The city is hit!
Record131=Mission|Germany|Special2|Mission_Sounds\Germany\Special2.wav|Ford 1, contact with target, two minutes to bomb release.
Record132=Mission|Germany|Special20|Mission_Sounds\Germany\Special20.wav|The city is hit! The city is hit!
Record133=Mission|Germany|Special3|Mission_Sounds\Germany\Special3.wav|Olds 1, contact with my target.
Record134=Mission|Germany|Special5|Mission_Sounds\Germany\Special5.wav|Stingray, I'm after T-Bird
Record135=Mission|Germany|Special6|Mission_Sounds\Germany\Special6.wav|Austin, Big Bird! Bandits taking off east of you!
Record136=Mission|Germany|Special7|Mission_Sounds\Germany\Special7.wav|All strikers this is Big Bird! Bandits west of you, low! Austin and Buick, clear to engage!
Record137=Mission|Germany|Special8|Mission_Sounds\Germany\Special8.wav|Austin, Ford, they're closing in on us!
Record138=Mission|Germany|Special9|Mission_Sounds\Germany\Special9.wav|Ford 1 is down!
Record139=Mission|Germany|Sweep1|Mission_Sounds\Germany\Sweep1.wav|Austin, Big Bird, multiple bandits incoming from the east, three formations, engage!
Record140=Mission|Germany|Sweep2|Mission_Sounds\Germany\Sweep2.wav|Buick, Lion, lazing target 1, clear to launch.
Record141=Mission|Germany|Sweep3|Mission_Sounds\Germany\Sweep3.wav|Buick, Lion, lazing target 2, clear to launch.
Record142=Mission|Germany|Sweep4|Mission_Sounds\Germany\Sweep4.wav|Buick, Lion, lazing target 3, clear to launch.
Record143=Mission|Germany|Sweep5|Mission_Sounds\Germany\Sweep5.wav|Buick, Big Bird, incoming bandits, push it up!
Record144=Mission|Germany|Sweep6|Mission_Sounds\Germany\Sweep6.wav|Buick, Lion, there are two artillery vehicles south of the target, heading north. Destroy them as fast as you can, please, push it up!
Record145=Mission|Germany|Sweep7|Mission_Sounds\Germany\Sweep7.wav|Buick, Lion, thereÆs an enemy convoy racing towards me, I gotta clear out ASAP. Lazing will quit in a few moments.
Record146=Mission|Germany|Water1|Mission_Sounds\Germany\Water1.wav|Austin, Big-Bird, a Tank Convoy is about to cross the northern bridge, destroy the bridge before they cross.
Record147=Mission|Germany|Water2|Mission_Sounds\Germany\Water2.wav|Push it up, they're about to cross the bridge.
Record148=Mission|Germany|Water3|Mission_Sounds\Germany\Water3.wav|Watch out these ships have got Triple-A on them.
Record149=Mission|Germany|Water4|Mission_Sounds\Germany\Water4.wav|All flights, watch out! Inbound bandits going for the strikers.
Record150=Mission|Germany|Water5|Mission_Sounds\Germany\Water5.wav|Looks like these ships are waiting for some Mavericks.
Record151=Mission|Germany|Water6|Mission_Sounds\Germany\Water6.wav|Buick, watch out! Inbound bandits going for the strikers, engage.
Record152=Mission|Germany|Water7|Mission_Sounds\Germany\Water7.wav|Austin, 20 miles to bridges, switch mode to laser.
Record153=Mission|Grand_Canyon|Black1|Mission_Sounds\Grand_Canyon\Black1.wav|Atlanta 1, tally with the target
Record154=Mission|Grand_Canyon|Black10|Mission_Sounds\Grand_Canyon\Black10.wav|Austin, Big Bird, Good work! Egress west, Buick is on his way.
Record155=Mission|Grand_Canyon|Black11|Mission_Sounds\Grand_Canyon\Black11.wav|Buick, Big Bird, clear to ingress to target area.
Record156=Mission|Grand_Canyon|Black12|Mission_Sounds\Grand_Canyon\Black12.wav|Buick, Big Bird, egress west, Corvette is engaging bandits north from you.
Record157=Mission|Grand_Canyon|Black13|Mission_Sounds\Grand_Canyon\Black13.wav|Corvette, Big Bird, incoming bandits from the north, you are clear to engage, clear to engage!
Record158=Mission|Grand_Canyon|Black2|Mission_Sounds\Grand_Canyon\Black2.wav|2 tally. ready to fire.
Record163=Mission|Grand_Canyon|Black7|Mission_Sounds\Grand_Canyon\Black7.wav|Austin, Big Bird, two enemy choppers are coming from the south, five miles between them, engage first priority!
Record164=Mission|Grand_Canyon|Black8|Mission_Sounds\Grand_Canyon\Black8.wav|Austin, Big Bird, the western chopper is closing fast on Atlanta 1!
Record165=Mission|Grand_Canyon|Black9|Mission_Sounds\Grand_Canyon\Black9.wav|Atlanta, Big Bird, incoming enemy choppers from both directions towards you!
Record166=Mission|Grand_Canyon|Blue1|Mission_Sounds\Grand_Canyon\Blue1.wav|Austin, Big Bird, multiple hostile choppers are making their way northwest, there are four bandits, Fulcrum, with them, engage! Engage!
Record169=Mission|Grand_Canyon|Blue12|Mission_Sounds\Grand_Canyon\Blue12.wav|Shack, artillery in flames!
Record170=Mission|Grand_Canyon|Blue18|Mission_Sounds\Grand_Canyon\Blue18.wav|From Big Bird, OK, OK, seems we've managed to stop their push, we have no more reports about major advancements, good work everybody!
Record171=Mission|Grand_Canyon|Blue2|Mission_Sounds\Grand_Canyon\Blue2.wav|Buick, Big Bird, large tank force coming to Colorado City from the east! Stop them at all costs! Hurry!
Record172=Mission|Grand_Canyon|Blue3|Mission_Sounds\Grand_Canyon\Blue3.wav|Corvette, Corvette, from Big Bird, large artillery convoy southeast from Colorado City, they must be stopped before reaching firing positions! Fast!
Record173=Mission|Grand_Canyon|Blue4|Mission_Sounds\Grand_Canyon\Blue4.wav|Austin, Big Bird, the choppers are getting near, stop them at all costs!
Record174=Mission|Grand_Canyon|Blue5|Mission_Sounds\Grand_Canyon\Blue5.wav|Enemy choppers landed, too late!
Record175=Mission|Grand_Canyon|Blue6|Mission_Sounds\Grand_Canyon\Blue6.wav|The tanks are firing at us! Help! Help!
Record176=Mission|Grand_Canyon|Blue7|Mission_Sounds\Grand_Canyon\Blue7.wav|We're taking heavy artillery fire in the city, need immediate assistance!
Record179=Mission|Grand_Canyon|Leading1|Mission_Sounds\Grand_Canyon\Leading1.wav|They are shooting at us! Help us!
Record180=Mission|Grand_Canyon|Leading10|Mission_Sounds\Grand_Canyon\Leading10.wav|Buick, Big Bird, hurry up. Our forces are running out of ammo. They need your immediate help!
Record181=Mission|Grand_Canyon|Leading11|Mission_Sounds\Grand_Canyon\Leading11.wav|The landing area is full of bad guys, let's clean it up.
Record182=Mission|Grand_Canyon|Leading2|Mission_Sounds\Grand_Canyon\Leading2.wav|Austin, Big Bird, there are enemy tanks and choppers in the landing area. Get there as fast as you can and destroy them!
Record183=Mission|Grand_Canyon|Leading3|Mission_Sounds\Grand_Canyon\Leading3.wav|Oh, No! They are all dead!
Record184=Mission|Grand_Canyon|Leading4|Mission_Sounds\Grand_Canyon\Leading4.wav|Buick, Big Bird, BRAA 090, full power, get the red troops on the eastern bank of the river!
Record185=Mission|Grand_Canyon|Leading5|Mission_Sounds\Grand_Canyon\Leading5.wav|Buick, Big Bird, there are red tanks about to cross the river 10 mile up north. Get there as fast as you can and destroy the bridge.
Record186=Mission|Grand_Canyon|Leading6|Mission_Sounds\Grand_Canyon\Leading6.wav|They are right underneath, Austin proceeds towards landing area.
Record187=Mission|Grand_Canyon|Leading7|Mission_Sounds\Grand_Canyon\Leading7.wav|Nevada, one minute to landing.
Record188=Mission|Grand_Canyon|Leading8|Mission_Sounds\Grand_Canyon\Leading8.wav|Buick, Big Bird, the red tanks crossed the bridge. Get them before they hit our troops.
Record189=Mission|Grand_Canyon|Leading9|Mission_Sounds\Grand_Canyon\Leading9.wav|Man, what a mess!
Record190=Mission|Grand_Canyon|Load10|Mission_Sounds\Grand_Canyon\Load10.wav|They're going for the cargo planes, let's get them boys!
Record191=Mission|Grand_Canyon|Load11|Mission_Sounds\Grand_Canyon\Load11.wav|This is Nellis, my runway has been hit! All flights divert to alternate!
Record193=Mission|Grand_Canyon|Load2|Mission_Sounds\Grand_Canyon\Load2.wav|They're going for the runways! Full afterburner, let's get them!
Record194=Mission|Grand_Canyon|Load3|Mission_Sounds\Grand_Canyon\Load3.wav|Mayday, Mayday, Mayday, this is Grizzly 2, two bandits on my six! Help me out here!
Record195=Mission|Grand_Canyon|Load4|Mission_Sounds\Grand_Canyon\Load4.wav|Mayday, Mayday, Mayday, This is Grizzly 3, bandits are closing in! Request immediate assistance!
Record196=Mission|Grand_Canyon|Load5|Mission_Sounds\Grand_Canyon\Load5.wav|Oh man, they got one of our heavies!
Record208=Mission|Grand_Canyon|Scramble18|Mission_Sounds\Grand_Canyon\Scramble18.wav|This is Big Bird, OK, it seems quiet now, all those that are bingo or winchester go to land, and back up ASAP.
Record209=Mission|Grand_Canyon|Scramble2|Mission_Sounds\Grand_Canyon\Scramble2.wav|This is tower! Anybody who can take off, do it now! Flush, flush, everybody take off!
Record214=Mission|Grand_Canyon|Scramble7|Mission_Sounds\Grand_Canyon\Scramble7.wav|They're right on top of us!
Record215=Mission|Grand_Canyon|Scramble8|Mission_Sounds\Grand_Canyon\Scramble8.wav|This is Big Bird, anybody that can, head to Colorado City, they're attacking there!
Record216=Mission|Grand_Canyon|Scramble9|Mission_Sounds\Grand_Canyon\Scramble9.wav|Help! Help! Colorado under attack!
Record217=Mission|Grand_Canyon|Supply1|Mission_Sounds\Grand_Canyon\Supply1.wav|Buick, Big Bird, there are some enemy choppers making their way west above Lake Mead, engage as fast as you can!
Record218=Mission|Grand_Canyon|Supply2|Mission_Sounds\Grand_Canyon\Supply2.wav|Buick, this is Big Bird, 15 Miles on your six, two bandits!
Record219=Mission|Grand_Canyon|Supply3|Mission_Sounds\Grand_Canyon\Supply3.wav|Corvette, Corvette, your right 3 o'clock, ten Miles, take them out!
Record220=Mission|Grand_Canyon|Supply4|Mission_Sounds\Grand_Canyon\Supply4.wav|Good work, have a safe landing.
Record221=Mission|Grand_Canyon|Supply5|Mission_Sounds\Grand_Canyon\Supply5.wav|All USAF flights, push it up! They need you down at Nellis!
Record222=Mission|Grand_Canyon|Supply6|Mission_Sounds\Grand_Canyon\Supply6.wav|This is Austin, I've reached the base, going to land. Good luck all.
Record223=Mission|Grand_Canyon|Take1|Mission_Sounds\Grand_Canyon\Take1.wav|Oh, we missed one! Let's get him while he is on the ground.
Record224=Mission|Grand_Canyon|Take10|Mission_Sounds\Grand_Canyon\Take10.wav|Take your safety off and blow this MiG before takeoff!
Record225=Mission|Grand_Canyon|Take11|Mission_Sounds\Grand_Canyon\Take11.wav|Hell, where all these bogies came from?
Record226=Mission|Grand_Canyon|Take12|Mission_Sounds\Grand_Canyon\Take12.wav|Dodge, Buckeye, you are clear to continue your path towards target.
Record227=Mission|Grand_Canyon|Take2|Mission_Sounds\Grand_Canyon\Take2.wav|Wow, it seems there's gonna be a party around here!
Record228=Mission|Grand_Canyon|Take3|Mission_Sounds\Grand_Canyon\Take3.wav|Buckeye, Austin, I think we're gonna need some backup.
Record229=Mission|Grand_Canyon|Take4|Mission_Sounds\Grand_Canyon\Take4.wav|Austin, Buckeye, Buick is on its way.
Record230=Mission|Grand_Canyon|Take5|Mission_Sounds\Grand_Canyon\Take5.wav|Dodge, Buckeye, remember - attack only the small building you were briefed about.
Record231=Mission|Grand_Canyon|Take6|Mission_Sounds\Grand_Canyon\Take6.wav|Wow, this Nuke is huge!
Record232=Mission|Grand_Canyon|Take7|Mission_Sounds\Grand_Canyon\Take7.wav|Watch out for the chimneys!
Record233=Mission|Grand_Canyon|Take8|Mission_Sounds\Grand_Canyon\Take8.wav|Buckeye, Cherry 1, the SAMs in the target area are gone!
Record234=Mission|Grand_Canyon|Take9|Mission_Sounds\Grand_Canyon\Take9.wav|Buckeye, Ford 1, SAMs in target area are destroyed!
Record235=Mission|Grand_Canyon|Umbilical1|Mission_Sounds\Grand_Canyon\Umbilical1.wav|Austin, Big Bird, watch out! Bandits, dead ahead!
Record236=Mission|Grand_Canyon|Umbilical10|Mission_Sounds\Grand_Canyon\Umbilical10.wav|The convoy is about to enter the camp. Hurry up!
Record237=Mission|Grand_Canyon|Umbilical11|Mission_Sounds\Grand_Canyon\Umbilical11.wav|Wow, what a camp! How didn't we find it till now?
Record238=Mission|Grand_Canyon|Umbilical2|Mission_Sounds\Grand_Canyon\Umbilical2.wav|Austin, Big Bird, there are choppers around waypoint 3 flying above the canyon. Don't splash them yet. We want to find out where they are heading. Follow them and see what they're up to.
Record239=Mission|Grand_Canyon|Umbilical3|Mission_Sounds\Grand_Canyon\Umbilical3.wav|Tally-ho with the choppers.
Record240=Mission|Grand_Canyon|Umbilical4|Mission_Sounds\Grand_Canyon\Umbilical4.wav|Big Bird, Austin, we have located a big supply depot. There are a lot of targets here.
Record241=Mission|Grand_Canyon|Umbilical5|Mission_Sounds\Grand_Canyon\Umbilical5.wav|Buick, Big Bird, vector 110 for 20 miles, there's an active red supply camp! Cleared in hot! Blow it away!
Record242=Mission|Grand_Canyon|Umbilical6|Mission_Sounds\Grand_Canyon\Umbilical6.wav|This is Big Bird, all formations, watch out, mud spikes from the camp area!
Record243=Mission|Grand_Canyon|Umbilical7|Mission_Sounds\Grand_Canyon\Umbilical7.wav|All formations, from Big Bird, there's a convoy three miles north to the camp. Do whatever you can to stop it.
Record244=Mission|Grand_Canyon|Umbilical8|Mission_Sounds\Grand_Canyon\Umbilical8.wav|The transports are about to land. LetÆs get them!
Record245=Mission|Grand_Canyon|Umbilical9|Mission_Sounds\Grand_Canyon\Umbilical9.wav|The transports are on the ground. Let's blow them away.
Record246=Mission|Grand_Canyon|Use1|Mission_Sounds\Grand_Canyon\Use1.wav|Austin, Big Bird, clear to ingress target area.
Record247=Mission|Grand_Canyon|Use2|Mission_Sounds\Grand_Canyon\Use2.wav|Corvette, Corvette, Big Bird, bandits are about to takeoff any moment, engage as fast as you can!
Record248=Mission|Grand_Canyon|Use3|Mission_Sounds\Grand_Canyon\Use3.wav|Corvette, Big Bird, SAMs are destroyed, clear to ingress.
Record249=Mission|Grand_Canyon|Use4|Mission_Sounds\Grand_Canyon\Use4.wav|Corvette, tally with target, if anyone has tally with bandits - splash them.
Record250=Mission|Grand_Canyon|Use5|Mission_Sounds\Grand_Canyon\Use5.wav|Corvette 1, 2, bandits all around, IÆm taking the Fulcrum.
Record251=Mission|Grand_Canyon|Use7|Mission_Sounds\Grand_Canyon\Use7.wav|Dodge 1, Dodge 2, lots of MiGs are parked close to the runway, we can blow them away before they take off.
Record252=Mission|Gulf|FirstKill13|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\FirstKill13.wav|Slate 2, at 2 O'clock high, that's a friendly, copy that.
Record253=Mission|Gulf|FirstKill14|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\FirstKill14.wav|Austin, Enfield, visual contact with you, we're passing underneath.
Record254=Mission|Gulf|FirstKill15|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\FirstKill15.wav|Buckeye, Hurricane, we've got mud spikes from the city.
Record255=Mission|Gulf|FirstKill16|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\FirstKill16.wav|SAM launch! SAM launch! South side of town!
Record256=Mission|Gulf|FirstKill17|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\FirstKill17.wav|All flights this is Buckeye. Good job, we have all 6 kills confirmed. If anyone is thirsty, Shell is south of the city
Record257=Mission|Gulf|Firstkill1|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Firstkill1.wav|Enfield 2, shack! Wow, look at those tracersàWhat a fire on the east sideà
Record258=Mission|Gulf|Firstkill18|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Firstkill18.wav|This is Buckeye, bandits heading south your way! All strikers head south now! Austin, bandits, clear to engage!
Record259=Mission|Gulf|Firstkill3|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Firstkill3.wav|Austin, Austin, Buckeye, another pair of bandits, east of the city, clear to engage.
Record260=Mission|Gulf|Firstkill6|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Firstkill6.wav|All formations this is Buckeye, stay away from the city, multiple SAMs and AAA over there.
Record261=Mission|Gulf|Firstkill7|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Firstkill7.wav|Austin, Austin, Buckeye, two more bandits, Fulcrums, west of the city, clear to engage.
Record262=Mission|Gulf|Firstkill9|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Firstkill9.wav|All formations, from Buckeye, we have 6 kills confirmed, good job!
Record263=Mission|Gulf|Heavy1|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Heavy1.wav|Austin, Buick this is Buckeye, bandits, incoming from the south, engage them as fast as you can, this is top priority.
Record264=Mission|Gulf|Heavy10|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Heavy10.wav|Buckeye turning back 270.
Record265=Mission|Gulf|Heavy11|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Heavy11.wav|Buick, bandits northeast of Shell closing fast, engage now!
Record266=Mission|Gulf|Heavy12|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Heavy12.wav|Austin, Buick, Buckeye, bandits Fulcrums BRAA 360 on 20 10,000, free to engage. Shell snap 180.
Record267=Mission|Gulf|Heavy13|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Heavy13.wav|This is Buckeye IÆve got bandits on my six, accelerating.
Record273=Mission|Gulf|Heavy2|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Heavy2.wav|Austin, Buckeye, I'm getting spiked, they're intercepting me! Help me out! Seven miles in front of me!
Record274=Mission|Gulf|Heavy3|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Heavy3.wav|Austin, Buckeye, I've got pop up bandits right below me, I'm in trouble here!
Record275=Mission|Gulf|Heavy4|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Heavy4.wav|This is Buckeye, theyÆre launching at me!
Record276=Mission|Gulf|Heavy5|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Heavy5.wav|TheyÆre on my six. Come on!
Record277=Mission|Gulf|Heavy6|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Heavy6.wav|Austin 2, more bandits 2 oÆclock ten miles.
Record280=Mission|Gulf|Heavy9|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Heavy9.wav|Buick, Buckeye, unknown bogies 090 for 20 low altitude, go for visual ID.
Record281=Mission|Gulf|Putting10|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Putting10.wav|This is one hell of a fire.
Record282=Mission|Gulf|Putting11|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Putting11.wav|All formations, watch out for Triple-A's.
Record283=Mission|Gulf|Putting2|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Putting2.wav|Buick, Corvette, from Austin, targets destroyed, clear to egress from target area.
Record284=Mission|Gulf|Putting3|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Putting3.wav|Buick, Corvette, from Buckeye, path is not clear yet, watch out for the SAMs!
Record285=Mission|Gulf|Putting4|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Putting4.wav|Oh, it's really smoky around here.
Record286=Mission|Gulf|Putting5|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Putting5.wav|Corvette, Buckeye, there are bogies around the target, watch out!
Record287=Mission|Gulf|Putting6|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Putting6.wav|Buckeye, Buick, fire in my area is out!
Record288=Mission|Gulf|Putting7|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Putting7.wav|Buckeye, Corvette, I think my job is done here.
Record289=Mission|Gulf|Putting8|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Putting8.wav|Fire in the eastern area is out.
Record290=Mission|Gulf|Putting9|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Putting9.wav|Fire in the western area is out.
Record291=Mission|Gulf|Runaways1|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Runaways1.wav|Austin, Buckeye, multiple bandits heading for the border! Clear to engage!
Record292=Mission|Gulf|Runaways10|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Runaways10.wav|Austin, Buckeye, more bandits are taking off from Ballad Airfield, due west of you!
Record293=Mission|Gulf|Runaways11|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Runaways11.wav|This is Buckeye, some bandits have already crossed the border.
Record294=Mission|Gulf|Runaways12|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Runaways12.wav|Austin and Buick, the bandits are about to cross the border.
Record295=Mission|Gulf|Runaways13|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Runaways13.wav|All right Austin, these guys are fast. Full afterburner, let's get them.
Record296=Mission|Gulf|Runaways15|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Runaways15.wav|Austin and Buick, this is Buckeye, there are civilian aircraft in the area. Do not, I repeat do not engage without a VID!
Record297=Mission|Gulf|Runaways2|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Runaways2.wav|Buick, Buckeye, I've got reports of SAMs up ahead.
Record298=Mission|Gulf|Runaways3|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Runaways3.wav|Austin, Buckeye, more bogies to the north. Clear to engage with a visual ID.
Record299=Mission|Gulf|Runaways4|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Runaways4.wav|It looks like there are at least 4 waves. LetÆs get them.
Record300=Mission|Gulf|Runaways5|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Runaways5.wav|Austin, Buckeye, youÆre about to enter Iranian territory, turn back now!
Record301=Mission|Gulf|Runaways6|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Runaways6.wav|Buick, Buckeye, youÆre not authorized to enter that territory, turn west immediately!
Record302=Mission|Gulf|Runaways7|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Runaways7.wav|This is Buckeye, all USAF flights, watch out, do not enter the eastern area!
Record303=Mission|Gulf|Runaways8|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Runaways8.wav|This is Buckeye, most of the Iraqi planes have crossed the border. It's too late to catch them.
Record304=Mission|Gulf|Scouts1|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Scouts1.wav|Austin, Buckeye, ingress north, contact Vulture 1 for targets.
Record305=Mission|Gulf|Scouts10|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Scouts10.wav|Austin, Vulture, good work.
Record306=Mission|Gulf|Scouts11|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Scouts11.wav|Austin, Buckeye, egress south. Buick do you copy?
Record308=Mission|Gulf|Scouts13|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Scouts13.wav|Buick, Buckeye, contact Shell, BRAA 360 for 5, at 20000.
Record309=Mission|Gulf|Scouts16|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Scouts16.wav|Buick, Buckeye, ingress north to IP, contact Vulture for target location.
Record310=Mission|Gulf|Scouts17|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Scouts17.wav|Buick, Vulture, visual, I've got three targets for you, tanks. Near the big river bend there are two big fuel dumps, the tanks are west of these dumps.
Record311=Mission|Gulf|Scouts19|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Scouts19.wav|Good hit Buick! Secondary target destroyed! Now get that primary!
Record312=Mission|Gulf|Scouts2|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Scouts2.wav|Austin, Vulture 1 north of you. We're going in to look for targets.
Record314=Mission|Gulf|Scouts3|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Scouts3.wav|Austin, Vulture, multiple targets spread at the area located south of the river and north to the road. There are two Gundish sites at the west side close to a line of trees. Near the northern Gundish there is an antenna and a truck. Targets are sitting ducks.
Record315=Mission|Gulf|Scouts4|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Scouts4.wav|Austin hurry-up, I've got mud spikes from target area.
Record316=Mission|Gulf|Scouts6|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Scouts6.wav|Bullseye! Austin go for the second Gundish now!
Record317=Mission|Gulf|Scud1|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Scud1.wav|Austin, Buckeye, ingress north to IP, contact Torch 1-1 for target location.
Record318=Mission|Gulf|Scud10|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Scud10.wav|Austin, Buckeye, scud launched, BRAA 290 for 5, fast!
Record319=Mission|Gulf|Scud12|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Scud12.wav|Austin, Torch 1-1, Jolly good job mate, thanks a lot, cheerio.
Record320=Mission|Gulf|Scud13|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Scud13.wav|Austin, Torch 1-1, he's in the trees now, I've lost visual contact.
Record321=Mission|Gulf|Scud14|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Scud14.wav|Buick, Torch 1-1, they've disappeared, I repeat, I've lost them.
Record322=Mission|Gulf|Scud15|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Scud15.wav|Got that scud! What a blast!
Record323=Mission|Gulf|Scud16|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Scud16.wav|Any allied aircraft, any allied aircraft, this is Torch 1-1, I've located a scud launch site near waypoint 2.
Record324=Mission|Gulf|Scud17|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Scud17.wav|Austin, there is another one near the refuel truck close to the river. HeÆs armed and it looks like heÆs ready to launch, IÆll designate him.
Record325=Mission|Gulf|Scud18|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Scud18.wav|The choppers are at a low altitude inside the river try to take them.
Record326=Mission|Gulf|Scud19|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Scud19.wav|Buick, there is a suspicious movement close to waypoint 4. Torch is checking it out, get there ASAP.
Record327=Mission|Gulf|Scud20|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Scud20.wav|This is Torch, ItÆs a bloody scud and itÆs moving west, it seems that heÆs about to launch, I'll designate the target in few seconds.
Record328=Mission|Gulf|Scud3|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Scud3.wav|Austin, Torch 1-1, There's one of them on the move now, heading for an area with palm trees, hurry!
Record329=Mission|Gulf|Scud4|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Scud4.wav|Austin, Torch 1-1, designating now, we're almost out of time!
Record330=Mission|Gulf|Scud5|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Scud5.wav|Buick, Torch 1-1, one is out, refueling! Designating now, hurry!
Record331=Mission|Gulf|Scud6|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Scud6.wav|You got him! Nice work guys!
Record332=Mission|Gulf|Scud7|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Scud7.wav|Bullseye! Good going!
Record333=Mission|Gulf|Scud8|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Scud8.wav|Buick, Buckeye, two hostile choppers, incoming from the East, low, clear to engage!
Record334=Mission|Gulf|Scud9|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Scud9.wav|Siiieerraaaa Hottell! Chopper parts everywhere!
Record335=Mission|Gulf|Showdown1|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Showdown1.wav|Normandy, IP inbound, 15 seconds to launch!
Record347=Mission|Gulf|Summer1|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Summer1.wav|Snake ten miles to target.
Record348=Mission|Gulf|Summer10|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Summer10.wav|Corvette, Buckeye, bandits ingressing, vector 180 to Snake, engage those bandits as fast as you can.
Record349=Mission|Gulf|Summer12|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Summer12.wav|Corvette, Snake, bandits at ten miles closing fast.
Record351=Mission|Gulf|Summer15|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Summer15.wav|Austin, Snake, they're coming right at us, ten miles from the south.
Record352=Mission|Gulf|Summer16|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Summer16.wav|Buick, Buckeye, Head Honcho has moved to new location, a bunker in waypoint 4. Take the northern bunker.
Record353=Mission|Gulf|Summer17|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Summer17.wav|Snake, one bunker down, hope he was in there.
Record354=Mission|Gulf|Summer18|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Summer18.wav|Snake, Corvette, clear to enter target area.
Record355=Mission|Gulf|Summer2|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Summer2.wav|Snake visual contact with target, going in.
Record356=Mission|Gulf|Summer3|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Summer3.wav|Austin, Snake, watch out, thereÆs Triple-A all over the target.
Record357=Mission|Gulf|Summer4|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Summer4.wav|Austin IP inbound.
Record358=Mission|Gulf|Summer5|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Summer5.wav|Buick, Buckeye, heavy guns in target area stay at high altitude.
Record359=Mission|Gulf|Summer6|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Summer6.wav|Austin, Buckeye egress west Buick clear to ingress east to target area.
Record360=Mission|Gulf|Summer7|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Summer7.wav|Austin, Buckeye, egress west now, Buick is entering target area.
Record361=Mission|Gulf|Warthog10|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Warthog10.wav|Buick, Buckeye, incoming hostile chopper going towards the Jolly Greens, low. Clear to engage.
Record362=Mission|Gulf|Warthog12|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Warthog12.wav|Bullseye! Watch him burn!
Record365=Mission|Gulf|Warthog16|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Warthog16.wav|Buckeye, Moccasin, entering friendly territory, thanks everybody once again.
Record366=Mission|Gulf|Warthog17|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Warthog17.wav|Buick 2, hit, burning. I put out the fire. Hydraulics OK, pressing on.
Record367=Mission|Gulf|Warthog18|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Warthog18.wav|Alright Slate, let's do a quick confirmation, who won the Superbowl last year?
Record368=Mission|Gulf|Warthog19|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Warthog19.wav|Austin, Slate 4-6, how do you copy?
Record369=Mission|Gulf|Warthog20|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Warthog20.wav|Slate 4-6, Austin, we copy and have your location, SAR 'copter callsign Moccasin is on his way to you, dig in and wait.
Record370=Mission|Gulf|Warthog21|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Warthog21.wav|Moccasin, Austin, we're on our way.
Record371=Mission|Gulf|Warthog22|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Warthog22.wav|Moccasin, Slate 4-6, negative, I hear jets all around, but, yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Visual! Contact! Come right...uhàabout 30 degreesà
Record372=Mission|Gulf|Warthog23|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Warthog23.wav|Austin, Buckeye, there's a truck closing on Slate!
Record373=Mission|Gulf|Warthog24|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Warthog24.wav|Slate 4-6, no problemo, welcome back. Shell, Austin 1 is Bingo, can you make it north to meet us?
Record374=Mission|Gulf|Warthog25|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Warthog25.wav|Austin, Shell, thatÆs a negative, thatÆs Iraqi air space out there.
Record375=Mission|Gulf|Warthog26|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Warthog26.wav|Shell, Austin, we're really hurting for gas, we won't make it, do you copy?
Record376=Mission|Gulf|Warthog27|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Warthog27.wav|OK, I'm coming north. Hold on.
Record377=Mission|Gulf|Warthog28|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Warthog28.wav|Buick, Buckeye, Shell is pushing north, remain on CAP.
Record378=Mission|Gulf|Warthog3|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Warthog3.wav|Austin, Moccasin, we're spotting Triple-A on the road, we can't head north, do you copy?
Record379=Mission|Gulf|Warthog30|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Warthog30.wav|Yeah it was the Bronco's, the Denver Broncos.
Record380=Mission|Gulf|Warthog31|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Warthog31.wav|Slate 4-6, Austin, thatÆs confirmed, give me your position.
Record381=Mission|Gulf|Warthog32|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Warthog32.wav|Austin, I'm in a desert, it's hot, I'm near a water tower and next to a shed.
Record382=Mission|Gulf|Warthog33|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Warthog33.wav|Slate 4-6, Moccasin, get ready, we're going to land, looks pretty clean here...
Record383=Mission|Gulf|Warthog4|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Warthog4.wav|Slate, this is Moccasin, we're closing in on your fix, do you have visual?
Record384=Mission|Gulf|Warthog5|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Warthog5.wav|This is Slate 4-6, there's a truck coming my way! From the south, kicking up dirt!
Record385=Mission|Gulf|Warthog6|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Warthog6.wav|Yeeha! You got him! Good job! He's burning, he's burning!
Record386=Mission|Gulf|Warthog8|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Warthog8.wav|Austin, Slate 4-6, thanks a lot you guys!
Record387=Mission|Gulf|Warthog9|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Warthog9.wav|Buick, Buckeye, two bandits heading for the Jolly! Clear to engage.
Record388=Mission|Gulf|Where10|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Where10.wav|Some Triple-A over the target, watch it guys!
Record389=Mission|Gulf|Where11|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Where11.wav|Bandit taking off, on the western runway!
Record390=Mission|Gulf|Where12|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Where12.wav|Shack on the flight lines!
Record391=Mission|Gulf|Where14|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Where14.wav|Shack on that Iliushin transport plane!
Record392=Mission|Gulf|Where6|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Where6.wav|Bullseye on squadron buildings!
Record395=Mission|Gulf|Warthog1|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\warthog1.wav|Slate 4-6, this is Austin, do you copy?
Record396=Mission|Gulf|Warthog2|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\warthog2.wav|Buick, Buckeye, incoming bandits north of you, clear to engage.
Record397=Mission|Gulf|Warthog7|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\warthog7.wav|This is Moccasin, we're down here, I can see him running...Charlie...get the back door! He's here, OK, we got him, taking offà
Record432=Mission|Multiplayer|Round5|Mission_Sounds\Multiplayer\Round5.wav|One blue aircraft left!
Record433=Mission|Multiplayer|Round6|Mission_Sounds\Multiplayer\Round6.wav|Only one red aircraft left!
Record434=Mission|Red_Flag|Hostage1|Mission_Sounds\Red_Flag\Hostage1.wav|Buckeye, Austin, target destroyed, I repeat, target destroyed.
Record435=Mission|Red_Flag|Hostage10|Mission_Sounds\Red_Flag\Hostage10.wav|This is Fox, small arms fire. We're in the camp...OK so far.
Record436=Mission|Red_Flag|Hostage11|Mission_Sounds\Red_Flag\Hostage11.wav|Saratoga 1, crossing into friendly territory.
Record437=Mission|Red_Flag|Hostage12|Mission_Sounds\Red_Flag\Hostage12.wav|This is Fox, we have some casualtiesà.Pete, take him to the second chopperàget that one on the towerà
Record438=Mission|Red_Flag|Hostage13|Mission_Sounds\Red_Flag\Hostage13.wav|OK, OK, ...ehàthis is Fox, we're out, we're outà.
Record439=Mission|Red_Flag|Hostage14|Mission_Sounds\Red_Flag\Hostage14.wav|Saratoga 1, we have all hostages and Fox crew. Taking off.
Record440=Mission|Red_Flag|Hostage15|Mission_Sounds\Red_Flag\Hostage15.wav|Saratoga 1, crossing into friendly territory.
Record441=Mission|Red_Flag|Hostage2|Mission_Sounds\Red_Flag\Hostage2.wav|Buckeye, Buick, targets destroyed, area clear, repeat, area clear.
Record442=Mission|Red_Flag|Hostage3|Mission_Sounds\Red_Flag\Hostage3.wav|Austin, Buckeye, multiple bandits incoming from the east, three formations, engage!.
Record443=Mission|Red_Flag|Hostage4|Mission_Sounds\Red_Flag\Hostage4.wav|Buick, Buckeye, enemy convoy arriving from east, engage them before they reach the Jolly Greens!
Record444=Mission|Red_Flag|Hostage5|Mission_Sounds\Red_Flag\Hostage5.wav|Austin, Buckeye, enemy helicopters arriving from east, in the canyon, engage, engage!
Record445=Mission|Red_Flag|Hostage6|Mission_Sounds\Red_Flag\Hostage6.wav|Oh no! Jolly Green down! Jolly Green down!
Record446=Mission|Red_Flag|Hostage7|Mission_Sounds\Red_Flag\Hostage7.wav|Shack! This convoy ain't going nowhere!
Record447=Mission|Red_Flag|Hostage9|Mission_Sounds\Red_Flag\Hostage9.wav|This is Saratoga1, visual contact with enemy camp, preparing to land.
Record448=Mission|Red_Flag|Airfield10|Mission_Sounds\Red_Flag\airfield10.wav|Some AAA over the target, easy going boys!
Record449=Mission|Red_Flag|Airfield11|Mission_Sounds\Red_Flag\airfield11.wav|Shaaackkk! Up in flames! Squadron destroyed!
Record460=Mission|Red_Flag|nuclear7|Mission_Sounds\Red_Flag\nuclear7.wav|Red Power Plant destroyed!
Record461=Mission|Red_Flag|nuclear8|Mission_Sounds\Red_Flag\nuclear8.wav|This is Buckeye, they nuked our target.
Record462=Mission|Single|AF_1|Mission_Sounds\Single\AF_1.wav|Austin, Big Bird, full speed east! Air Force 1 is being intercepted! Initial heading 090! Push it up!
Record463=Mission|Single|AF_10|Mission_Sounds\Single\AF_10.wav|This is Air Force 1, there's another one on my six! Get him off me!
Record464=Mission|Single|AF_11|Mission_Sounds\Single\AF_11.wav|This is Air Force 1, we're safe now, I repeat, we're safe, everything's quiet nowà
Record465=Mission|Single|AF_12|Mission_Sounds\Single\AF_12.wav|Austin, this is the president of the United States, I want to thank you for your sacrifice, you saved our lives. See you guys on the ground.
Record466=Mission|Single|AF_13|Mission_Sounds\Single\AF_13.wav|Air Force 1, Big Bird, copy, Austin, you escort him.
Record467=Mission|Single|AF_14|Mission_Sounds\Single\AF_14.wav|Austin there are two more bandits north of Air Force 1 engage, engage!
Record468=Mission|Single|AF_15|Mission_Sounds\Single\AF_15.wav|This is the Holy Revolution Brothers! You will pay for your fight against the Islamic people!
Record469=Mission|Single|AF_2|Mission_Sounds\Single\AF_2.wav|Air Force 1, Big Bird, bogies BRAA 090 for 20, 10000, closing, Watch out! Watch out!
Record470=Mission|Single|AF_3|Mission_Sounds\Single\AF_3.wav|Mayday, Mayday, Mayday this is Air Force 1, repeat, this is Air Force 1, IÆve been engaged by terrorist fighters! Need immediate assistance, need immediate assistance.
Record471=Mission|Single|AF_4|Mission_Sounds\Single\AF_4.wav|Air Force 1, Big Bird, help is on its way, hold on there!
Record472=Mission|Single|AF_8|Mission_Sounds\Single\AF_8.wav|This is Air Force 1, turning back to base, prepare for emergency landing.
Record473=Mission|Single|Barrier1|Mission_Sounds\Single\Barrier1.wav|Austin, Big Bird, bandits were last seen southwest of you, low altitude. No contact with them at the moment. Keep flying to waypoint 1 until I have contact.
Record474=Mission|Single|Barrier10|Mission_Sounds\Single\Barrier10.wav|The radar complex is hit! The radar complex is hit!
Record475=Mission|Single|Barrier11|Mission_Sounds\Single\Barrier11.wav|This is Big Bird, incoming heavy bombers, southeast of radar complex!
Record476=Mission|Single|Barrier2|Mission_Sounds\Single\Barrier2.wav|Austin, Big Bird, bandits have just climbed to high altitude! They are west of the radar complex. Clear to engage!
Record477=Mission|Single|Barrier3|Mission_Sounds\Single\Barrier3.wav|Austin, the bandits are about to bomb the radar complex! We need you there fast!
Record478=Mission|Single|Barrier4|Mission_Sounds\Single\Barrier4.wav|Buick! There are more waves coming in! Scramble now! Scramble now!
Record481=Mission|Single|Barrier7|Mission_Sounds\Single\Barrier7.wav|All US flights. We're launching SAMs at the bandits. Don't worry, we're not going to hit you.
Record482=Mission|Single|Barrier8|Mission_Sounds\Single\Barrier8.wav|Austin and Buick, incoming enemy choppers, arriving from the west. They're in the valley!
Record483=Mission|Single|Barrier9|Mission_Sounds\Single\Barrier9.wav|This is Big Bird, the choppers are in attack positions! They're going to launch in 30 seconds!
Record484=Mission|Single|Bring1|Mission_Sounds\Single\Bring1.wav|Olds, one minute to landing.
Record485=Mission|Single|Bring2|Mission_Sounds\Single\Bring2.wav|Olds IÆm landing at location 5, ground force is on its way.
Record486=Mission|Single|Bring3|Mission_Sounds\Single\Bring3.wav|Olds IÆve got the package, returning to base. Need air cover
Record487=Mission|Single|Bring4|Mission_Sounds\Single\Bring4.wav|Austin, Olds, IÆm being attacked from the north, need immediate assistance!
Record488=Mission|Single|Bring5|Mission_Sounds\Single\Bring5.wav|Austin, Olds, theyÆre right on top of me, I wonÆt survive for long! Mayday, Mayday!
Record489=Mission|Single|Bring6|Mission_Sounds\Single\Bring6.wav|This is Olds going down, going down.
Record490=Mission|Single|Bring7|Mission_Sounds\Single\Bring7.wav|Buick 1, Buick 2, enemy choppers on the ground, lets hose'em!
Record491=Mission|Single|Day1|Mission_Sounds\Single\Day1.wav|Buick, Big-bird, Chinese ships are unloading tanks along the shore. Destroy as many tanks as you can.
Record492=Mission|Single|Day2|Mission_Sounds\Single\Day2.wav|Buick, Big-Bird, a new package of ships is approaching the island, clear to engage.
Record493=Mission|Single|Day3|Mission_Sounds\Single\Day3.wav|Corvette, Buick, IÆm spiked from 360, engage those suckers!
Record494=Mission|Single|Day4|Mission_Sounds\Single\Day4.wav|Watch out! The ships are armed with guns!
Record495=Mission|Single|Day5|Mission_Sounds\Single\Day5.wav|Buick, Big-Bird, The tanks are heading for the radar post engage them as fast as you can before they seize the post.
Record496=Mission|Single|Day6|Mission_Sounds\Single\Day6.wav|Buick, Big-Bird, the post soldier will mark the camp with an orange colored smoke
Record497=Mission|Single|Fasten1|Mission_Sounds\Single\Fasten1.wav|Austin, Head Control, we're monitoring the intercept, stay low, full afterburner, and maintain heading 360. Good luck.
Record498=Mission|Single|Fasten10|Mission_Sounds\Single\Fasten10.wav|Pacific Sun 101, Big Bird, OK, get away from the plane, rescue is on its way!
Record499=Mission|Single|Fasten11|Mission_Sounds\Single\Fasten11.wav|Austin, Big Bird, incoming enemy choppers heading for the Boeing, hurry!
Record500=Mission|Single|Fasten12|Mission_Sounds\Single\Fasten12.wav|Austin, Big Bird, the convoy cut loose from the road and is racing to the Boeing! Get there fast!
Record501=Mission|Single|Fasten13|Mission_Sounds\Single\Fasten13.wav|Austin, Buick, from Big Bird, multiple bandits scrambling from Ballad and Tikrit, be prepared!
Record502=Mission|Single|Fasten14|Mission_Sounds\Single\Fasten14.wav|This is Chicago 1, visual contact with Pacific Sun 101, preparing to land.
Record503=Mission|Single|Fasten15|Mission_Sounds\Single\Fasten15.wav|This is Chicago 1, passengers and crew onboard, taking off south.
Record504=Mission|Single|Fasten16|Mission_Sounds\Single\Fasten16.wav|This is the captain, thanks a lot to everybody, we're OK! Thank you!
Record505=Mission|Single|Fasten17|Mission_Sounds\Single\Fasten17.wav|Chicago 1 passing into friendly territory.
Record511=Mission|Single|Fasten22|Mission_Sounds\Single\Fasten22.wav|Pacific Sun 101, this is Iraqi Air Control, proceed due east, prepare to land at Sadaam International Airport, contact tower on frequency 234, for clearance to land. The fighters will escort you.
Record512=Mission|Single|Fasten23|Mission_Sounds\Single\Fasten23.wav|Pacific Sun 101, OK, I don't have much choice, do I? OK, will comply.
Record513=Mission|Single|Fasten24|Mission_Sounds\Single\Fasten24.wav|Austin, this is Head Control. Keep low, full afterburner, maintain heading 360.
Record514=Mission|Single|Fasten25|Mission_Sounds\Single\Fasten25.wav|Big Bird, Chicago 1, the Iraqi convoy has reached the area, they're carrying a lot of soldiers, we're getting out of here with some survivors, it's all over I'm afraid, they're shooting up everything.
Record515=Mission|Single|Fasten3|Mission_Sounds\Single\Fasten3.wav|The MiGs are going crazy! What's happening?
Record516=Mission|Single|Fasten4|Mission_Sounds\Single\Fasten4.wav|Dive Boeing! Dive! This is United States Air Force fighters, we're behind you and taking care of the MiGs, get out of here! Fast!
Record517=Mission|Single|Fasten5|Mission_Sounds\Single\Fasten5.wav|This is Pacific Sun 101, we probably took a hit, I'm losing fuels, situation looks bad.
Record518=Mission|Single|Fasten6|Mission_Sounds\Single\Fasten6.wav|This is Pacific Sun 101, Mayday, Mayday! We're losing fuel, and engine power, have to land!
Record519=Mission|Single|Fasten7|Mission_Sounds\Single\Fasten7.wav|Pacific Sun 101 Big Bird, we are all around you, and will see where you're landing, try to land in open desert, we'll cover you, sending SAR helicopter callsign Chicago 1 to you.
Record520=Mission|Single|Fasten8|Mission_Sounds\Single\Fasten8.wav|This is Pacific Sun 101, I'm going to land in what looks like level terrain, just desert, north of the Baghdad - Amman road. Wish us luck.
Record521=Mission|Single|Fasten9|Mission_Sounds\Single\Fasten9.wav|This is Pacific Sun 101, we made it! We made it! We're on the ground, everybody seems to be alright, the planes smoking, we're evacuating!
Record522=Mission|Single|NoTo1|Mission_Sounds\Single\NoTo1.wav|Austin, Big Bird, report on CAP.
Record523=Mission|Single|NoTo10|Mission_Sounds\Single\NoTo10.wav|Austin, Big Bird, the transports are getting away. Go catch them.
Record524=Mission|Single|NoTo11|Mission_Sounds\Single\NoTo11.wav|The Rios are moving. LetÆs blow them away. It's the least we can do.
Record525=Mission|Single|NoTo12|Mission_Sounds\Single\NoTo12.wav|Look for other little bandits. Should be very low and up ahead. I have no contact right now.
Record526=Mission|Single|NoTo2|Mission_Sounds\Single\NoTo2.wav|Tally-Ho! The choppers are right beneath! Leads engaged!
Record527=Mission|Single|NoTo3|Mission_Sounds\Single\NoTo3.wav|Austin, Big Bird, the choppers turned east from waypoint 2. Clear to engage!
Record528=Mission|Single|NoTo4|Mission_Sounds\Single\NoTo4.wav|Watch out for the bridge!
Record529=Mission|Single|NoTo5|Mission_Sounds\Single\NoTo5.wav|Austin, watch out for the Canyon walls.
Record530=Mission|Single|NoTo6|Mission_Sounds\Single\NoTo6.wav|It seems pretty quiet out here.
Record531=Mission|Single|NoTo7|Mission_Sounds\Single\NoTo7.wav|Austin, Big Bird, four Fulcrums BRAA 270 for 40, do not engage.
Record532=Mission|Single|NoTo8|Mission_Sounds\Single\NoTo8.wav|Austin, the choppers are about to land! Get them as fast as you can.
Record536=Mission|Single|Osiraq11|Mission_Sounds\Single\Osiraq11.wav|OK, no more Triple-A, still be careful!
Record537=Mission|Single|Osiraq12|Mission_Sounds\Single\Osiraq12.wav|Buick, Big Bird, bogies taking off east and north of you, stay alert for further details.
Record538=Mission|Single|Osiraq13|Mission_Sounds\Single\Osiraq13.wav|OK, I see you, it's OK.
Record539=Mission|Single|Osiraq14|Mission_Sounds\Single\Osiraq14.wav|Austin or Buick, Buckeye, there's a convoy that's escaped to the north from the facility, probably carrying nukes, destroy the convoy ASAP!
Record540=Mission|Single|Osiraq15|Mission_Sounds\Single\Osiraq15.wav|This is Keshet, I see the convoy to the north of the facility, on a road, designating for you now!
Record541=Mission|Single|Osiraq16|Mission_Sounds\Single\Osiraq16.wav|The convoy is nearing nuclear bunkers, push it up before they arrive!
Record542=Mission|Single|Osiraq17|Mission_Sounds\Single\Osiraq17.wav|Too late, the convoy has reached, pity.
Record543=Mission|Single|Osiraq2|Mission_Sounds\Single\Osiraq2.wav|Nesher, IP inbound.
Record545=Mission|Single|Osiraq4|Mission_Sounds\Single\Osiraq4.wav|Bullseye! There go the missile dumps!
Record546=Mission|Single|Osiraq5|Mission_Sounds\Single\Osiraq5.wav|Watch out for Triple-A everybody!
Record547=Mission|Single|Osiraq6|Mission_Sounds\Single\Osiraq6.wav|Visual contact with you!
Record548=Mission|Single|Osiraq8|Mission_Sounds\Single\Osiraq8.wav|Nesher hit my targets, going out west.
Record549=Mission|Single|Osiraq9|Mission_Sounds\Single\Osiraq9.wav|Keshet hit targets, going out west.
Record550=Mission|Training|BasicAA1|Mission_Sounds\Training\BasicAA1.wav|This is your first combat training sortie. In this flight you will learn and practice using the Air-to-Air radar modes. We have set up several target drones for you to practice against. Lets begin. Fly towards waypoint 1.
Record551=Mission|Training|BasicAA10|Mission_Sounds\Training\BasicAA10.wav|You can view your missile as it flies using the F11 key. DonÆt forget to go back to cockpit view by pressing the F1 key. There are a lot of dead pilots who where busy doing other stuff when they should have been watching where their aircraft is heading.
Record552=Mission|Training|BasicAA11|Mission_Sounds\Training\BasicAA11.wav|Nice shot! You got the first target. Make sure that your radar is now tracking the second target. Press the Right Bracket key to change your selected weapon to the AIM-9 missile. Your HUD display will change to the SRM mode. The diamond inside your TD box is the missile seeker indicator. The missile tries to acquire your radar target. The missile should track the target and a high pitched tone will sound. Wait for the Shoot Cue and fire the AIM-9 at the second drone.
Record553=Mission|Training|BasicAA12|Mission_Sounds\Training\BasicAA12.wav|Very good! Two targets down. Alright, let's head to waypoint 3.
Record554=Mission|Training|BasicAA13|Mission_Sounds\Training\BasicAA13.wav|Next we're going to use the air-to-air gun. Press the Right Bracket key to change to air to air gun mode.
Record555=Mission|Training|BasicAA14|Mission_Sounds\Training\BasicAA14.wav|Fly towards waypoint 3 and use the LRS or the TWS to track the target above waypoint 3.
Record556=Mission|Training|BasicAA15|Mission_Sounds\Training\BasicAA15.wav|We will use a vertical intercept to get to the target's six o'clock position. The target altitude is 15000' so fly at 5000' to the target.
Record557=Mission|Training|BasicAA16|Mission_Sounds\Training\BasicAA16.wav|We are now 12 miles from the target, increase power to full afterburner or press the 8 key. We need all the speed we can get to complete this interception.
Record558=Mission|Training|BasicAA17|Mission_Sounds\Training\BasicAA17.wav|We are now 5 miles to target. Pull up and place the target at the center of your HUD. Switch to full screen HUD view by pressing the F1 key. You should end the maneuver following the target about one mile from behind. As you close in on the target use the air to air gun funnel to aim at the target. Fly the funnel so that the cross is located before the target on the target flight path and position the target inside the funnel so that the target wingspan matches the funnel width. At a range of half a mile fire your gun at the target. Watch where your bullets are going and make small steering corrections accordingly.
Record559=Mission|Training|BasicAA18|Mission_Sounds\Training\BasicAA18.wav|Use the engine to keep a position of 0.3 to 0.5 miles behind the target.
Record560=Mission|Training|BasicAA19|Mission_Sounds\Training\BasicAA19.wav|Nice shot. There is nothing more satisfying in air combat than a good gun kill.
Record561=Mission|Training|BasicAA2|Mission_Sounds\Training\BasicAA2.wav|First youÆll need to learn how to operate the Air-to-Air Radar modes. Your radar should be in one of the Air-to-Air modes. Press the R key to switch between Air-to-Air and Air-to-Ground and use the Q key to toggle between sub modes.
Record562=Mission|Training|basicAA20|Mission_Sounds\Training\BasicAA20.wav|Come on, go into TWS and lock on the target.
Record563=Mission|Training|BasicAA21|Mission_Sounds\Training\BasicAA21.wav|You're doing well, now lets head back home.
Record564=Mission|Training|BasicAA22|Mission_Sounds\Training\BasicAA22.wav|Well, not all missiles hit their targets, fire again!
Record565=Mission|Training|BasicAA23|Mission_Sounds\Training\BasicAA23.wav|Shooting friendly airplanes is not the best thing you can do in real life battle, watch your IFF symbol before you fire a missile.
Record566=Mission|Training|BasicAA3|Mission_Sounds\Training\BasicAA3.wav|You can also lock on the closest target by pressing Enter on your keyboard.
Record567=Mission|Training|BasicAA4|Mission_Sounds\Training\BasicAA4.wav|The first mode we are going to use is the LRS or Long Range Search mode. Press the Q key until LRS is displayed on the top left side of the MFD. Use the Period key to increase the radar search range to the maximum radar range.
Record568=Mission|Training|BasicAA5|Mission_Sounds\Training\BasicAA5.wav|You should now see several bright dots on your radar screen. Those are air targets detected by our radar. Targets that are on the bottom of the screen are close to you while targets at the top of the screen are far. Targets on the center of the screen are straight in front of you while targets on the side of the screen are 60 degrees from your heading. Let's lock on a target. Place the mouse cursor over the lowest target on the screen and click the left mouse button.
Record569=Mission|Training|BasicAA6|Mission_Sounds\Training\BasicAA6.wav|Our radar is now tracking the target. Notice that on your HUD there is square with an x inside. The square is called the TD box. It will help you visually acquire your target. Steer the plane so that the TD box is in the middle of the HUD. You will see a small black object in the center of it. that is your target. press the F-4 key to have a look at your target. Press F1 to go back to cockpit view. the X in the TD box means this is a friendly aircraft. never shoot a missile before confirming that the target is hostile. OK. Now turn left and head towards waypoint 2.
Record570=Mission|Training|BasicAA7|Mission_Sounds\Training\BasicAA7.wav|Switch to TWS mode by pressing the Q key and select the AIM-120 missile by pressing the Right Bracket key, until AIM-120 is displayed on the left side of the HUD. Your radar will detect two targets near waypoint 2. You can use the Enter key to switch your designated target. In TWS mode the radar can track several targets and keep searching for additional targets, however, the detection range is shorter than in LRS mode.
Record571=Mission|Training|BasicAA8|Mission_Sounds\Training\BasicAA8.wav|We have placed two MiG-21 drones at waypoint 2. We will use the AIM-120 to shoot the first target down. Now steer the plane so that the TD box is inside your HUD.
Record572=Mission|Training|BasicAA9|Mission_Sounds\Training\BasicAA9.wav|You will notice a small dot on your HUD and a circle. Once the dot is inside the circle that means that you are within the allowed steering error for firing the missile. At a range of 15 NM we can fire the missile. Notice the small triangle bellow the TD box, that is your Shoot Cue. The Shoot Cue appears when all the required parameters for firing a missile are met. To fire the missile press the pickle button on your joystick or press the Space bar.
Record573=Mission|Training|BasicAG1|Mission_Sounds\Training\BasicAG1.wav|Good morning. I hope you had a good night's sleep because this mission is a tough one. Today you're going to learn how to drop iron bombs on your targets and kill them. I'm gonna be your number two in this mission and I'll be talking to you over the radio.
Record574=Mission|Training|BasicAG10|Mission_Sounds\Training\BasicAG10.wav|Your target will now disappear under the aircraft's nose. Don't worry about it, wait until you are 4 miles away from the target.
Record575=Mission|Training|BasicAG11|Mission_Sounds\Training\BasicAG11.wav|Now, as I told you, pitch down your nose, until you see the target. Put the velocity vector on the target and start pulling. Press the pickle when you've got the pipper on the target.
Record576=Mission|Training|BasicAG12|Mission_Sounds\Training\BasicAG12.wav|You've got two targets here. Destroy both of them and proceed to the next waypoint.
Record577=Mission|Training|BasicAG13|Mission_Sounds\Training\BasicAG13.wav|Shack! Nice shot! Now get the second target and then go on to waypoint 3.
Record578=Mission|Training|BasicAG14|Mission_Sounds\Training\BasicAG14.wav|Now, switch radar mode to Ground Moving Target. Do this by pressing Q until you see the letters GMT On your radar display. Your radar will now display moving targets only.
Record579=Mission|Training|BasicAG15|Mission_Sounds\Training\BasicAG15.wav|Lock on one of the targets and have a look at it. You will now attack a vehicle convoy.
Record580=Mission|Training|BasicAG16|Mission_Sounds\Training\BasicAG16.wav|Switch to the STRF sight by pressing the Left Bracket key. The pipper now shows you where the bullets are going to hit.
Record581=Mission|Training|BasicAG17|Mission_Sounds\Training\BasicAG17.wav|Fly to the targets at 8000'. Perform the same maneuver as before, destroy the three targets and head back home.
Record582=Mission|Training|BasicAG18|Mission_Sounds\Training\BasicAG18.wav|Come on! Get those targets!
Record583=Mission|Training|BasicAG19|Mission_Sounds\Training\BasicAG19.wav|Come on, Fuel is getting low!
Record584=Mission|Training|BasicAG2|Mission_Sounds\Training\BasicAG2.wav|Nice takeoff. Now fly to waypoint 1 and then go on to waypoint 2. You can engage the autopilot in NAV mode if you want to.
Record585=Mission|Training|BasicAG20|Mission_Sounds\Training\BasicAG20.wav|Man, this is taking too longà
Record586=Mission|Training|BasicAG21|Mission_Sounds\Training\BasicAG21.wav|Nice shot! Two more to go!
Record587=Mission|Training|BasicAG22|Mission_Sounds\Training\BasicAG22.wav|Good job! Now get the last one!
Record588=Mission|Training|BasicAG23|Mission_Sounds\Training\BasicAG23.wav|One down, one to go!
Record589=Mission|Training|BasicAG25|Mission_Sounds\Training\BasicAG25.wav|Great job! You can now fly towards home, and get your next mission.
Record590=Mission|Training|BasicAG3|Mission_Sounds\Training\BasicAG3.wav|Now, let's switch our radar to Ground Mode. Press R twice until your radar is in Ground mode. You should see the word Map on the top left side of your radar display.
Record591=Mission|Training|BasicAG4|Mission_Sounds\Training\BasicAG4.wav|Your radar is now tracking ground targets, and you should see them on the radar. Press Enter to lock on the first target. You can also click on the target by using the mouse.
Record592=Mission|Training|BasicAG5|Mission_Sounds\Training\BasicAG5.wav|Make sure you're locked on the target. It should now be marked by a cross on the radar. Press F4 to have a closer look at it. Press F1 to return to the cockpit.
Record593=Mission|Training|BasicAG6|Mission_Sounds\Training\BasicAG6.wav|Your two targets are located at waypoint 2. You're going to attack two fuel dumps, as you were briefed about. You should also be able to see the TD box marking your target straight ahead of you.
Record594=Mission|Training|BasicAG7|Mission_Sounds\Training\BasicAG7.wav|Now, let's turn on the CCIP sight. Press the Left Bracket key until you see the letters MK-82 on the lower left side of the HUD. These are the Mark 82 500 pound bombs which you will drop soon.
Record595=Mission|Training|BasicAG8|Mission_Sounds\Training\BasicAG8.wav|The small circle with the dot in the middle is the bomb's impact point, or the Pipper. The long line connected to the pipper is called the bomb fall line.
Record596=Mission|Training|BasicAG9|Mission_Sounds\Training\BasicAG9.wav|Fly directly to waypoint 2, at 16000'. When you are four miles from the target pitch your nose down until the velocity vector points at the target. Then make sure your wings are level, and start pulling up. When the pipper is on the target, press the pickle button on your joystick or keyboard, and release the bombs.
Record597=Mission|Training|Guided1|Mission_Sounds\Training\Guided1.wav|In this sortie we are going to practice some new guided weapons. The JDAM bombs, the AGM-130 guided missile and the AGM-65D missiles. Fly towards waypoint 2 and select the GBU-30 JDAM bomb using the Left Bracket key.
Record598=Mission|Training|Guided10|Mission_Sounds\Training\Guided10.wav|OK, that is one target down.
Record599=Mission|Training|Guided11|Mission_Sounds\Training\Guided11.wav|Nice shot, we got one more assignment in front of us, killing the Scud using the AGM-130 missile.
Record600=Mission|Training|Guided12|Mission_Sounds\Training\Guided12.wav|Fly to waypoint 4. We are now going to launch the AGM from low altitude at 30 miles range from the target. Fly below 1000' towards waypoint 4.
Record601=Mission|Training|Guided13|Mission_Sounds\Training\Guided13.wav|DonÆt forget to select the AGM-130 missile.
Record602=Mission|Training|Guided14|Mission_Sounds\Training\Guided14.wav|We are now 30 miles from the target. Pull up a little and fire the missile. We do not want to keep flying towards the target so turn back 180 degrees and engage the auto pilot, in level mode. Press A once to engage the auto pilot.
Record603=Mission|Training|Guided15|Mission_Sounds\Training\Guided15.wav|Now bring up the full screen weapon MFD. You are now looking at the view from the TV camera, located on the missile. You can pan the camera and control the missile using the CTRL Arrow keys. Zoom the view using the MFD zoom keys.
Record604=Mission|Training|Guided16|Mission_Sounds\Training\Guided16.wav|Steer the missile towards the waypoint 4 circle. Make sure you do not crash the missile on the way.
Record605=Mission|Training|Guided17|Mission_Sounds\Training\Guided17.wav|Remember, your target is the Scud Launcher that is located between the two buildings. You are not supposed to damage those buildings. You have only one very expensive missile for this target, missing is out of the question.
Record606=Mission|Training|Guided18|Mission_Sounds\Training\Guided18.wav|The finest American technology and you miss? You've just hit one of the buildings. This mission is over for you!
Record607=Mission|Training|Guided19|Mission_Sounds\Training\Guided19.wav|Now thatÆs what I call weapon delivery! Clearly you had a very good instructor.
Record608=Mission|Training|Guided2|Mission_Sounds\Training\Guided2.wav|The JDAM bomb has an internal GPS navigation system, programmed by the ground crew to hit our primary target. All we have to do is get to the target area and drop the bomb in the direction of the target. We will use the level bombing technique for this pass.
Record609=Mission|Training|Guided3|Mission_Sounds\Training\Guided3.wav|Our primary target is a weapon bunker at waypoint 2 and the target coordinates are already programmed in the bomb. Fly towards the target at 20000'.
Record610=Mission|Training|Guided4|Mission_Sounds\Training\Guided4.wav|We are now seven miles from the target. Place the pipper at the area of the circle representing waypoint 2. Press and hold the pickle button until the bombs fall down.
Record611=Mission|Training|Guided5|Mission_Sounds\Training\Guided5.wav|Try to keep the velocity vector on the Bomb-Fall-Line and wait for the Time-to-Release indicator to go down. Once the indicator crosses the velocity vector, the bomb will drop. Press F11 to view the bomb going to the target.
Record612=Mission|Training|Guided6|Mission_Sounds\Training\Guided6.wav|Boom! Now that was not hard was it?
Record613=Mission|Training|Guided7|Mission_Sounds\Training\Guided7.wav|Now lets see some action using our good old friend Maverick. Turn to waypoint 3 and change the radar to GMT mode.
Record614=Mission|Training|Guided8|Mission_Sounds\Training\Guided8.wav|We've set some moving ground vehicles for the AGM practice. Your GMT radar should display them by now. Change to the AGM-65 missile using the Left Bracket key. Go ahead and lock on one of the targets by pressing Enter.
Record615=Mission|Training|Guided9|Mission_Sounds\Training\Guided9.wav|Maverick tracks the heat source coming out of the target and goes after the target when fired. Go ahead and launch your missile at the targets. You have three missiles and you must destroy at least two vehicles to pass this mission.
Record616=Mission|Training|Landing1|Mission_Sounds\Training\Landing1.wav|We are now right above Nellis Air-Force-Base. Press A once to engage the autopilot, and make sure you are in autopilot NAV mode.
Record617=Mission|Training|Landing10|Mission_Sounds\Training\Landing10.wav|Look at the ILS indicator. The two lines should be centered like a cross. This means our approach is OK.
Record618=Mission|Training|Landing11|Mission_Sounds\Training\Landing11.wav|Disengage the autopilot by pressing the A key, then set your throttle to full power, take off, and we'll see if you can do this on your own. I'm just going to sit back and observe.
Record619=Mission|Training|Landing12|Mission_Sounds\Training\Landing12.wav|Nice landing! I think you're ready for some action. Let's move on to the next flight.
Record620=Mission|Training|Landing13|Mission_Sounds\Training\Landing13.wav|Now, let's contact the tower by pressing CTRL T.
Record621=Mission|Training|Landing14|Mission_Sounds\Training\Landing14.wav|We are now on a long final approach to Nellis. The runway is far ahead so we've got some time. Now, lets maintain this altitude of 3000 feet above ground level, and talk about the landing procedure.
Record622=Mission|Training|Landing15|Mission_Sounds\Training\Landing15.wav|The first thing to do is to slow down. Close your throttle to 70 Percent power, and extend the Speed Brake by pressing S.
Record623=Mission|Training|Landing16|Mission_Sounds\Training\Landing16.wav|Now we should wait until our speed reaches 250 knots. In the meanwhile we'll go over the pre-landing checklist: All gauges are in the green zone, and fuel level is OK.
Record624=Mission|Training|Landing17|Mission_Sounds\Training\Landing17.wav|Speed is 250 knots. You can now lower your landing gear by pressing G, then extend flaps by pressing F. You can add about 10 percent power .
Record625=Mission|Training|Landing18|Mission_Sounds\Training\Landing18.wav|Make sure the three Gear indicators in the cockpit are green, and that the Flaps indicator is on.
Record626=Mission|Training|Landing19|Mission_Sounds\Training\Landing19.wav|Take a look at the HUD. You can now see two lines right in the middle. These are the ILS indicators. They should be centered like a cross.
Record627=Mission|Training|Landing2|Mission_Sounds\Training\Landing2.wav|I will now demonstrate a landing pattern. Pay close attention.
Record628=Mission|Training|Landing20|Mission_Sounds\Training\Landing20.wav|Now, start the final approach. Pitch down until the velocity vector is pointing at the beginning of the runway, and close your throttle to maintain 165 knots..
Record629=Mission|Training|Landing21|Mission_Sounds\Training\Landing21.wav|Don't forget to lower you landing gears.
Record630=Mission|Training|Landing22|Mission_Sounds\Training\Landing22.wav|Let's try again. Go back to the starting point, about 7 miles from the runway in 3000', and do it all over again. Remember to raise your landing gears.
Record631=Mission|Training|Landing23|Mission_Sounds\Training\Landing23.wav|OK, start pressing the brakes by holding the B key until the plane stops.
Record632=Mission|Training|Landing24|Mission_Sounds\Training\Landing24.wav|Speed is OK. You can now lower your landing gear by pressing G, then extend flaps by pressing F. You can add about 10 percent power .
Record633=Mission|Training|Landing25|Mission_Sounds\Training\Landing25.wav|Look right ahead. You can see both of the runways. We are going to land on the right one.
Record634=Mission|Training|Landing26|Mission_Sounds\Training\Landing26.wav|You can turn right, left, up and down to see the effect on the HUD.
Record635=Mission|Training|Landing27|Mission_Sounds\Training\Landing27.wav|Now, take the throttle to idle position, and pull gently the stick until the velocity vector is pointing toward the horizon.
Record636=Mission|Training|Landing28|Mission_Sounds\Training\Landing28.wav|Oh, it's too late for landing on this approach.
Record637=Mission|Training|Landing29|Mission_Sounds\Training\Landing29.wav|Never mind. Let's start this mission all over again.
Record638=Mission|Training|Landing3|Mission_Sounds\Training\Landing3.wav|As soon as we cross the end of the runway I will turn left to the crosswind leg.
Record639=Mission|Training|Landing4|Mission_Sounds\Training\Landing4.wav|Now is the time to turn left to the downwind leg. Our heading should be 040.
Record640=Mission|Training|Landing5|Mission_Sounds\Training\Landing5.wav|Press 4 on your numeric keypad to have a look at the runway. This is the correct distance.
Record641=Mission|Training|Landing6|Mission_Sounds\Training\Landing6.wav|Let's take a look at the gauges and make sure all instruments are within limits and the fuel level is OK. Speed is 200 knots, so I can lower the landing gear and extend flaps.
Record642=Mission|Training|Landing7|Mission_Sounds\Training\Landing7.wav|Take a look at the runway using the 1 key on the numeric keyboard. This is the time to turn to the base leg.
Record643=Mission|Training|Landing8|Mission_Sounds\Training\Landing8.wav|Now look at the ILS lines in the HUD. When the line starts to turn we will turn to the final leg.
Record644=Mission|Training|Landing9|Mission_Sounds\Training\Landing9.wav|Maintain an air speed of 165 knots using your throttle. The proper landing approach is four degrees - this means you should point your velocity vector at the touch-down zone, which should be four degrees below the horizon. Keep yourself centered on the runway.
Record645=Mission|Training|MultiForm01|Mission_Sounds\Training\MultiForm01.wav|Hey Bud. This is your last weapon training mission. In this mission, you'll practice four-ship formation and get to learn how to use JTIDS. I'm in your cockpit now, and between tasks we'll change formation. Don't worry, I'll remind you to do so.
Record646=Mission|Training|MultiForm02|Mission_Sounds\Training\MultiForm02.wav|First, we have to destroy two buildings right ahead. There is an air defense unit around the target area, so we'll have to watch out for it. Number three and four don't have the right ammo for the ground targets, so send them to take out the bogies, using CTRL ALT W. Meanwhile, take number two and destroy the buildings.
Record647=Mission|Training|MultiForm03|Mission_Sounds\Training\MultiForm03.wav|While flying, notice the presentation on the JTIDS, as you were briefed about. Take a look at the enemy aircraft, presented by the green triangles. The buildings are presented as little green squares. Look that there are small squares with a small line indicating direction. These are moving vehicles.
Record648=Mission|Training|MultiForm04|Mission_Sounds\Training\MultiForm04.wav|Fan - freaking - tastic, excellent! let's move on.
Record649=Mission|Training|MultiForm05|Mission_Sounds\Training\MultiForm05.wav|OK, let's get this one again. I think the target survived.
Record650=Mission|Training|MultiForm06|Mission_Sounds\Training\MultiForm06.wav|Now it's time to switch to the next flight. Press Shift 2 and let's get into Buick flight.
Record651=Mission|Training|MultiForm07|Mission_Sounds\Training\MultiForm07.wav|Feeling comfortable? Let's get to work. We've got some visitors up north. Do whatever you need to do to destroy them. Don't forget, you have three friendly jets with you, and they're all armed.
Record652=Mission|Training|MultiForm08|Mission_Sounds\Training\MultiForm08.wav|Well done, my friend. You are ready to move on.
Record653=Mission|Training|MultiForm09|Mission_Sounds\Training\MultiForm09.wav|You can now move to Corvette formation using Shift 3.
Record654=Mission|Training|MultiForm10|Mission_Sounds\Training\MultiForm10.wav|Feeling strange? Well, we are in a F-4. You can feel it out for a couple of seconds.
Record655=Mission|Training|MultiForm11|Mission_Sounds\Training\MultiForm11.wav|Our mission now is to destroy three SA-2 and two Roland sites, using HARMs. Use the JTIDS and of course - your wingman. Do it quick but watch out - this is not a game.
Record656=Mission|Training|MultiForm12|Mission_Sounds\Training\MultiForm12.wav|You are good, you know that?
Record657=Mission|Training|MultiForm13|Mission_Sounds\Training\MultiForm13.wav|Some of the SAMs are still alive. Do whatever you need to fix it.
Record658=Mission|Training|MultiForm14|Mission_Sounds\Training\MultiForm14.wav|You are ready for the final mission. Let's switch to Dodge flight.
Record659=Mission|Training|MultiForm15|Mission_Sounds\Training\MultiForm15.wav|Have you flown this plane before? It's pretty nice for Air-to-Ground attacks.
Record660=Mission|Training|MultiForm16|Mission_Sounds\Training\MultiForm16.wav|Now, let's try to find the tank convoy, heading southwest. When you find the convoy, use all your forces, and destroy it.
Record661=Mission|Training|MultiForm17|Mission_Sounds\Training\MultiForm17.wav|Wow, look at that convoy, poor suckersà
Record662=Mission|Training|MultiForm18|Mission_Sounds\Training\MultiForm18.wav|Well done. You've successfully completed your weapon school training. Don't forget what you've learned up till now. See you in Red Flag.
Record663=Mission|Training|MultiForm19|Mission_Sounds\Training\MultiForm19.wav|When you are in the tactical display screen. Press Buick and then press Fly. This will put us in the Buick lead position.
Record664=Mission|Training|Night1|Mission_Sounds\Training\Night1.wav|Good evening. That's it, from now on your nights belong to the Air Force as well. In this flight you will learn all you need to know about flying your aircraft and attacking ground targets at night.
Record665=Mission|Training|Night10|Mission_Sounds\Training\Night10.wav|Pan your FLIR to the area of waypoint 2. Once the designated target is detected the FLIR will display a bright square on top of the target, and the pod will automatically track the target. Go into full HUD view by pressing the F1 key.
Record666=Mission|Training|Night11|Mission_Sounds\Training\Night11.wav|Fly towards the target at 10000 feet. We will use level bombing technique for this path.
Record667=Mission|Training|Night12|Mission_Sounds\Training\Night12.wav|We are now 5 miles from the target. Place your pipper at the area of the laser TD box. Then press and HOLD the pickle button until the bomb is released.
Record668=Mission|Training|Night13|Mission_Sounds\Training\Night13.wav|After the bomb release start a 3 G right turn to clear the target area. You can switch back to full screen MFD view and watch your bombs hit the target.
Record669=Mission|Training|Night14|Mission_Sounds\Training\Night14.wav|Right on! We rule the night!
Record670=Mission|Training|Night15|Mission_Sounds\Training\Night15.wav|Austin 1 this is lion 1, Target destroyed. I repeat, target is destroyed.
Record671=Mission|Training|Night16|Mission_Sounds\Training\Night16.wav|Hey, are you nuts? You're firing at us! This is Lion 1, requesting SAR! We've got three guys wounded!
Record672=Mission|Training|Night17|Mission_Sounds\Training\Night17.wav|OK, now fly to waypoint 3 and we will practice active laser designation.
Record673=Mission|Training|Night18|Mission_Sounds\Training\Night18.wav|Use you MAP radar mode to lock on a target at waypoint 3. Our target is an SA-2 radar. Use F4 view to make sure you are locked on the right target. The target is the radar, not the launchers.
Record674=Mission|Training|Night19|Mission_Sounds\Training\Night19.wav|Notice that the FLIR display is centered on your radar target. Go into full screen MFD and zoom in on the target. Once you are sure the FLIR is locked on the right target press the L key to turn the laser designator on. Laser On is displayed on the MFD.
Record675=Mission|Training|Night2|Mission_Sounds\Training\Night2.wav|The first thing you need to know about flying at night is how to turn your external lights on and off. We use the lights around base area but turn them off behind enemy lines. Go to external view by pressing the F10 key and switch the lights on and off using the CTRL L key. Now, taxi to the runway.
Record676=Mission|Training|Night20|Mission_Sounds\Training\Night20.wav|Now Go into HUD view and perform a level bomb run on the target, the same way you have done last time.
Record677=Mission|Training|Night21|Mission_Sounds\Training\Night21.wav|Not too bad! You will make a fine USAF pilot one day.
Record678=Mission|Training|Night22|Mission_Sounds\Training\Night22.wav|Looks like you bombed the wrong target, in real combat such a mistake could mean catastrophe.
Record679=Mission|Training|Night23|Mission_Sounds\Training\Night23.wav|It's time to go back home. DonÆt forget to turn on your lights. I recommend that you use the ILS system for the approach. The ILS indicators will help you in your glide path orientation for the landing. This mission will end once you land this jet safely at Nellis.
Record680=Mission|Training|Night24|Mission_Sounds\Training\Night24.wav|OK. We have made it back. Now go and get some sleep, there is a long day ahead of us tomorrow.
Record681=Mission|Training|Night3|Mission_Sounds\Training\Night3.wav|Once we are airborne it's time to put the night vision goggles on. Do that using the CTRL N key. How about that. The desert looks very green at night. Now lets practice low level navigation towards waypoint 2.
Record682=Mission|Training|Night4|Mission_Sounds\Training\Night4.wav|Is that what you call low level navigation? Drop down to 300 feet AGL!
Record683=Mission|Training|Night5|Mission_Sounds\Training\Night5.wav|Now lets talk about the LANTIRN attack pod. The LANTIRN gives us two special capabilities: One is to detect targets at low visibility conditions. The second is designating targets with a laser pod and attack them with laser bombs, or LGB's.
Record684=Mission|Training|Night6|Mission_Sounds\Training\Night6.wav|Press the Left Bracket key to select the GBU-12 laser bomb. Notice that your LANTIRN is automatically displayed on the MFD. You can pan the LANTIRN by using the CTRL Arrow keys and zoom in and out by using the MFD zoom buttons. To have a better view of your FLIR switch to full screen MFD view by pressing Z.
Record685=Mission|Training|Night7|Mission_Sounds\Training\Night7.wav|Laser bombs can be deployed either using active laser designation or using the passive mode. In the passive mode a third party like a ground force or another airplane designates the target for you, all you have to do is to locate that designation and drop your bombs on it. Right now we have a ground unit which is designating one of the targets around waypoint 2. We are now going to attack that target.
Record686=Mission|Training|Night8|Mission_Sounds\Training\Night8.wav|Wait for the ground unit to give you clearance to fire.
Record687=Mission|Training|Night9|Mission_Sounds\Training\Night9.wav|Austin 1 this is Lion 1 your target is caged, you're clear to fire.
Record688=Mission|Training|Ref1|Mission_Sounds\Training\Ref1.wav|The first step in a successful air refueling is locating the tanker and preparing your aircraft for the process. Open the Air Refuel hatch by pressing CTRL R, and listen for the ATC's vector to the tanker. Turn to that direction and search for the tanker with your radar. The tanker in this mission is 15 miles east of you.
Record689=Mission|Training|Ref2|Mission_Sounds\Training\Ref2.wav|OK, you are now 5 miles from the tanker. Adjust your speed to about 400 knots. There are two ways to refuel in this airplane, Automatic Refueling and Manual Refueling. In this mission we will use Automatic Refueling. Press the A key twice to engage the refueling autopilot. Check that the bottom left side of the HUD shows the word Refuel. Now sit back and enjoy the ride.
Record690=Mission|Training|Ref3|Mission_Sounds\Training\Ref3.wav|Always approach the tanker from the right side and look carefully for the aircraft in front of you. Every aircraft that finishes refueling clears the tanker to the left.
Record691=Mission|Training|Ref4|Mission_Sounds\Training\Ref4.wav|We are now one mile from the tanker, learn to estimate the distance and listen to the boomer calling out the instructions on the radio. When we get closer you will be able to see the refueling lights system on the tanker.
Record692=Mission|Training|Ref5|Mission_Sounds\Training\Ref5.wav|Watch how the boomer carefully connects the refueling boom to our aircraft. Once the fuel transfer is complete the boomer will disconnect the boom and we can move to the left.
Record693=Mission|Training|Ref6|Mission_Sounds\Training\Ref6.wav|OK, now you can try this again in the manual mode. Just follow the same procedure without engaging the auto pilot. Keep your closing velocity under control and DO NOT crash into the tanker. You need one more successful connection to pass this mission.
Record694=Mission|Training|Ref7|Mission_Sounds\Training\Ref7.wav|Taking the tanker down was not such a bright idea. If it was up to me you would have been grounded, dismissed and never allowed to sit in the cockpit of a USAF jet again.
Record695=Mission|Training|Sead1|Mission_Sounds\Training\Sead1.wav|In this mission we are going to practice fighting against Surface-to-Air missiles, or SAMs. After completing this mission you will know how to destroy SAM sites using HARM missiles and how to evade SAM missiles that are fired against us. Fly towards waypoint 2 and select HARM missiles using the Left Bracket key.
Record696=Mission|Training|Sead10|Mission_Sounds\Training\Sead10.wav|OK. Now lets practice some missile avoidance techniques. Climb up to 5000'. Keep your eyes on the RWR. If you need to bring up the RWR screen press the U key. Soon enough the SA-6 site will lock on us. Notice the 6 display on your RWR.
Record697=Mission|Training|Sead11|Mission_Sounds\Training\Sead11.wav|When the SAM launches at us you will hear a missile launch tone and the 6 on the RWR will blink. Immediately turn the airplane so the site is 90 degrees to your left, or as we say On Your Beam. Drop chaff by pressing the Insert key a few times and turn the ECM jammer on by pressing the J key.
Record698=Mission|Training|Sead12|Mission_Sounds\Training\Sead12.wav|It is very important to visually acquire the incoming missile. To do that press the F5 key once. Your view will now be padlocked on the incoming missile. As soon as you visualize the missile break towards it and keep deploying that chaff.
Record699=Mission|Training|Sead13|Mission_Sounds\Training\Sead13.wav|Keep performing these evasive maneuvers on your way to waypoint 4. Our mission will be over once we get there
Record701=Mission|Training|Sead2|Mission_Sounds\Training\Sead2.wav|There is an active SA-3 site around waypoint 2. You can lock on it using the MAP radar mode. Point at the target and have a look at the HARM display. Since the site is active the HARM seeker can detect and lock on the SAM radar
Record702=Mission|Training|Sead3|Mission_Sounds\Training\Sead3.wav|The 3 display is the SAM radar and the two A's are Triple-A sites. You can toggle between the HARM targets by pressing Ctrl Enter. select the SA-3 target and keep flying towards the target until the MFD displays the words In Range at the top. Fire the HARM using the pickle button or the Space bar.
Record703=Mission|Training|Sead4|Mission_Sounds\Training\Sead4.wav|If your missile misses fire the second one.
Record704=Mission|Training|Sead5|Mission_Sounds\Training\Sead5.wav|As you can see the best defense against those SAMs is to kill them down.
Record705=Mission|Training|Sead6|Mission_Sounds\Training\Sead6.wav|OK , now for the hard part. You will not always have the luxury of attacking SAM sites from a distance. You might find your self one day well within the range of a deadly SAM and have those mean missiles chasing you. We are now going to fight defensively against a simulated SAM missile. This missile does not have a real warhead and will not cause any damage to our plane.
Record706=Mission|Training|Sead7|Mission_Sounds\Training\Sead7.wav|Your job is to get us to waypoints three and four safely.
Record707=Mission|Training|Sead8|Mission_Sounds\Training\Sead8.wav|The first good thing you can do when flying a SAM protected area is to fly low. As low as you can. Drop down and fly under 300 feet AGL.
Record708=Mission|Training|Sead9|Mission_Sounds\Training\Sead9.wav|Flying low makes detecting and tracking us very hard for the SAM operators.
Record709=Mission|Training|Stealth1|Mission_Sounds\Training\Stealth1.wav|Good evening. This sortie will be your stealth training mission. In this mission you will have to take off and attack a target in the Nellis range without being detected by any of the SAMs and Triple-A's at the area. When you're ready, take off and fly to the target area. I will follow you.
Record710=Mission|Training|Stealth10|Mission_Sounds\Training\Stealth10.wav|Austin we got you, prepare to die!
Record711=Mission|Training|Stealth2|Mission_Sounds\Training\Stealth2.wav|Remember to stay low until you get to waypoint 3, and to turn off your external lights using the CTRL L key
Record712=Mission|Training|Stealth3|Mission_Sounds\Training\Stealth3.wav|Don't forget what you've learned in the previous missions about LGB attacks and LANTIRN.
Record713=Mission|Training|Stealth4|Mission_Sounds\Training\Stealth4.wav|There will be ground units looking for you. They've got IR SAMs and Triple-A, so keep your eyes and ears open.
Record714=Mission|Training|Stealth5|Mission_Sounds\Training\Stealth5.wav|You've been detected by SAM radar, next time you should keep silence until you reach the target area.
Record715=Mission|Training|Stealth6|Mission_Sounds\Training\Stealth6.wav|Nice shot! Primary target destroyed! Now let's see you get out of this place in one piece.
Record716=Mission|Training|Stealth7|Mission_Sounds\Training\Stealth7.wav|Mission completed! Now watch your landing.
Record717=Mission|Training|Stealth8|Mission_Sounds\Training\Stealth8.wav|That was the wrong target! Maybe this mission is too much for you. Never release your bombs unless you're absolutely sure you have the right target!
Record718=Mission|Training|Stealth9|Mission_Sounds\Training\Stealth9.wav|Austin 1 this is Red Command. How did you sneak in? You win this round! Let's see you get out now that we know you're here.
Record719=Mission|Training|StepDown1|Mission_Sounds\Training\StepDown1.wav|Hi again, and welcome to Step Down Training. Low level flying is one of the most important aspects of combat flight, and today we're going to learn all about it. Now, engage the autopilot by pressing A. Make sure the autopilot is in Navigation mode. The display on the HUD should show AP NAV.
Record721=Mission|Training|StepDown11|Mission_Sounds\Training\StepDown11.wav|Now, make a left turn hereà
Record722=Mission|Training|StepDown12|Mission_Sounds\Training\StepDown12.wav|Yeehaa! Never had so much fun in years! By the way, if you're telling anyone about this you're grounded for life.
Record723=Mission|Training|StepDown13|Mission_Sounds\Training\StepDown13.wav|Now try to keep inside the canyon. This will allow us to remain unseen. Maintain a speed of 450 knots or less. YouÆll have some tight maneuvering to do inside the canyon.
Record724=Mission|Training|StepDown14|Mission_Sounds\Training\StepDown14.wav|Fly around the mountain up ahead and turn right.
Record725=Mission|Training|StepDown15|Mission_Sounds\Training\StepDown15.wav|Do you consider this low altitude flying? I need my oxygen mask here!
Record726=Mission|Training|StepDown16|Mission_Sounds\Training\StepDown16.wav|Great flying! One more waypoint to go and you pass this mission.
Record727=Mission|Training|StepDown17|Mission_Sounds\Training\StepDown17.wav|Congratulations bud. I think we can now send you out on a combat mission.
Record728=Mission|Training|StepDown18|Mission_Sounds\Training\StepDown18.wav|We're trying to learn how to fly low, right? So do it, or the SAMs will shoot you!
Record729=Mission|Training|StepDown2|Mission_Sounds\Training\StepDown2.wav|The display on the lower left side of the HUD shows that you should be flying to waypoint 1. Don't worry, the autopilot is already doing that for you.
Record730=Mission|Training|StepDown21|Mission_Sounds\Training\StepDown21.wav|My friend, you are flying too high for too long, go back to 300 feet.
Record731=Mission|Training|StepDown22|Mission_Sounds\Training\StepDown22.wav|Don't be afraid, lower your plane slowly to 300 feet.
Record732=Mission|Training|StepDown23|Mission_Sounds\Training\StepDown23.wav|All right, let's head home. You can turn right here and start climbing towards the next waypoint.
Record733=Mission|Training|StepDown24|Mission_Sounds\Training\StepDown24.wav|Remember, there are no excuses for flying high here.
Record734=Mission|Training|StepDown3|Mission_Sounds\Training\StepDown3.wav|The inverted V on the top of the HUD is called the waypoint caret. It shows the direction to the next waypoint. The caret on the speed scale shows the correct speed you should maintain to get to the next waypoint on time. The altitude in NAV mode shows your altitude above ground level.
Record735=Mission|Training|StepDown4|Mission_Sounds\Training\StepDown4.wav|As we get closer to the waypoint, you'll see the range to waypoint decreasing. As soon as we pass the waypoint, the indicator will automatically change to waypoint 2.
Record736=Mission|Training|StepDown5|Mission_Sounds\Training\StepDown5.wav|Now let's do some real flying. Fly to waypoint 2 at 300 feet AGL. Remember, you will not pass the mission if you don't fly over the next waypoint under 300 feet.
Record737=Mission|Training|StepDown6|Mission_Sounds\Training\StepDown6.wav|Good job. You're flying nice and low.
Record738=Mission|Training|StepDown7|Mission_Sounds\Training\StepDown7.wav|We are entering a hilly area. Make sure the velocity vector is above the highest point of terrain for the next few miles, and always look ahead.
Record739=Mission|Training|StepDown8|Mission_Sounds\Training\StepDown8.wav|We will now practice flying in a SAM defended area. Fly as low as you can - about 50 to 100 feet above ground level. Continue looking ahead for unexpected obstacles.
Record740=Mission|Training|StepDown9|Mission_Sounds\Training\StepDown9.wav|You're doing great. I think it's time to break the rules for a while.
Record741=Mission|Training|Takeoff9|Mission_Sounds\Training\Takeoff09.wav|You're going too fast, keep your speed below 50 Knots.
Record742=Mission|Training|Takeoff1|Mission_Sounds\Training\Takeoff1.wav|Hello, and welcome to Nellis Air-Force-Base, Las Vegas, Nevada. My name's Davis, but you can just call me 'Scooter'. I'm going to be your IP for the next week. My job is to teach you all you'll need to become one fine USAF pilot, and you can count on it, cause I've never failed before. Just do what I tell you to from now on.
Record743=Mission|Training|Takeoff2|Mission_Sounds\Training\Takeoff2.wav|In this training mission you're going to learn how to get this beauty off the ground. Taking off is easy, if you follow the prodedures. Start the engines by pressing 1, and adjust your throttle by pressing 1 to 0. If you're using a throttle, just move the throttle forward to start your engine and to increase power. Now, whenever you're ready, release the brakes by pressing B and slowly taxi out of the hangar. 70-80 percent of thrust is what you need to get you moving.
Record744=Mission|Training|Takeoff3|Mission_Sounds\Training\Takeoff3.wav|Once the plane starts moving, use the stick or The rudder pedals to steer its nose in the proper direction. Control your speed by adjusting the throttle or by using the 1 through 8 keys. If you want to slow down, press the B key to apply the brakes. Now carefully follow the signs to Runway 22. Do not accede 50 Knots when you're taxing and slow down in the turns. Always look for other taxing airplanes around you. To improve your field of view press the F1 key to toggle full screen HUD view.
Record745=Mission|Training|Takeoff4|Mission_Sounds\Training\Takeoff4.wav|It's time to go over the Before Takeoff checklist. Before we proceed make sure the Flaps light in the cockpit is on. This means the flaps are fully down. You can extend and retract the flaps by pressing F. Check that the gear is down and locked. You should see three green indicators on the bottom left. Press D to display the systems status and verify that there are no active malfunctions. If all is well, you may proceed. Taxi to the end of the taxiway and turn left.
Record746=Mission|Training|Takeoff5|Mission_Sounds\Training\Takeoff5.wav|Before You line up on a runway, always check that there are no planes coming in for landing. You can use the Shift Arrow keys to pan your head in the cockpit or use the POV Hat on your Joystick. Now line up and point the airplane towards the far end of the runway.
Record747=Mission|Training|Takeoff6|Mission_Sounds\Training\Takeoff6.wav|Raise your landing gear by pressing G, and retract the flaps by pressing F. You're doing just fine. Now let's gain some more speed and altitude. Maintain the velocity vector 10 degrees above the horizon.
Record748=Mission|Training|Takeoff7|Mission_Sounds\Training\Takeoff7.wav|OK, this is it. You did well. You may now proceed to the next sortie - putting this beauty back on the ground.
Record749=Mission|Training|TwoShip01|Mission_Sounds\Training\TwoShip01.wav|Hello again. I'm sitting as your wingman in the jet next to you.
Record750=Mission|Training|TwoShip02|Mission_Sounds\Training\TwoShip02.wav|This is one of your last weapon training missions. In this mission, you'll practice the use of wingman commands, meaning that you will tell me what to doà
Record751=Mission|Training|TwoShip03|Mission_Sounds\Training\TwoShip03.wav|As you can see, we are now flying in a low level formation. You can now use ALT-V to spread your formation, meaning I'll be a bit farther from you, in order to defend you. If you want me back close to you, use ALT-C for Close Formation.
Record752=Mission|Training|TwoShip04|Mission_Sounds\Training\TwoShip04.wav|In two minutes we'll reach the SA-3 target area, where we should attack two SAM radars, as you saw in the briefing photo. You should lock on one of the radars, make sure it's a radar and not a launcher. Once you locked on a target you can press ALT W, and I'll go after a different target, or you can press ALT E and I'll destroy your target. Well let's try it. And remember, this is a dangerous area. Do whatever you need to keep from being hit.
Record754=Mission|Training|TwoShip06|Mission_Sounds\Training\TwoShip06.wav|I think we missed one of the radars. Lets go back and destroy it.
Record755=Mission|Training|TwoShip07|Mission_Sounds\Training\TwoShip07.wav|Well done, let's go on.
Record756=Mission|Training|TwoShip08|Mission_Sounds\Training\TwoShip08.wav|Our next target is a group of five choppers heading south towards a landing area. Lock on them using the radar and destroy them using my help, through your commands.
Record757=Mission|Training|TwoShip09|Mission_Sounds\Training\TwoShip09.wav|Here are some tips about shooting down slow targets: First, try to reach the target from above, so you'll see it better. Second, make sure you have a good missile tone, then you can fire. If you are using guns, watch out for the ground, and remember that choppers are flying very slow - closing velocity can get eye watering.
Record758=Mission|Training|TwoShip10|Mission_Sounds\Training\TwoShip10.wav|Let's go on. You have some MiGs intercepting from up north. Let's take them out as you learned before. If you want me to defend you through the dogfight, use ALT P. If things are getting too complicated, use ALT B, and we'll bug out.
Record759=Mission|Training|TwoShip11|Mission_Sounds\Training\TwoShip11.wav|All right, let's move on for home plate.
Record760=Mission|Training|TwoShip12|Mission_Sounds\Training\TwoShip12.wav|Well, we have only one mission left - it's time to buzz the tower! Use ALT C for Close Formation and let's shake the tower together. Fly as close to the tower as you can, less than 200 meters.
Record761=Mission|Training|TwoShip13|Mission_Sounds\Training\TwoShip13.wav|Yeeeeeeeha! You are good! You're on your way to be a certified flight leader. You can now land your jet if you want.
Record762=Mission|Training|TwoShip14|Mission_Sounds\Training\TwoShip14.wav|No, no, no, that wasn't close enough. Let's do it again, or you'll flunk this mission.
Record763=Mission|Training|TwoShip15|Mission_Sounds\Training\TwoShip15.wav|Oh, Oh, where are you flying? There are some choppers left.
Record764=Mission|Training|StepDown19|Mission_Sounds\Training\stepDown19.wav|Watch out for the SAM, buddy! I'm sorry, but I told you to fly low.
Record765=Mission|Training|TakeOff8|Mission_Sounds\Training\takeoff8.wav| When you're ready, increase power to full after-burner by pressing 8, or by moving your throttle all the way forward. Use the stick and the rudder to go straight down the runway. Pay attention to the airspeed indicator in the HUD. When you reach 145 knots pull the stick back gently, to rotate. Hold the nose 10 degrees up until you're airborne.
Record766=Mission|Vietnam|11Day1|Mission_Sounds\Vietnam\11Day1.wav|Austin 1, Austin 2, bandits right below us, take it down!
Record767=Mission|Vietnam|11Day10|Mission_Sounds\Vietnam\11Day10.wav|Rhino 1 and 2, over target. 1 and 2 are in.
Record768=Mission|Vietnam|11Day11|Mission_Sounds\Vietnam\11Day11.wav|Rhino 3 and 4, over target. 3 and 4 are in.
Record769=Mission|Vietnam|11Day12|Mission_Sounds\Vietnam\11Day12.wav|Rhino 5 and 6, over target. 5 and 6 are in.
Record770=Mission|Vietnam|11Day13|Mission_Sounds\Vietnam\11Day13.wav|Corvette 1, Red Crown, multiple bogies incoming from the north, stay alert!
Record771=Mission|Vietnam|11Day2|Mission_Sounds\Vietnam\11Day2.wav|ItÆs MiG 21's, letÆs get them.
Record772=Mission|Vietnam|11Day3|Mission_Sounds\Vietnam\11Day3.wav|More MiGs are coming from the north, ten miles.
Record787=Mission|Vietnam|DMZ1|Mission_Sounds\Vietnam\DMZ1.wav|Austin 2, target in sight.
Record788=Mission|Vietnam|DMZ2|Mission_Sounds\Vietnam\DMZ2.wav|Some MiGs are tailing it out north, donÆt let them get away!
Record789=Mission|Vietnam|DMZ3|Mission_Sounds\Vietnam\DMZ3.wav|You are entering the demilitarized zone, turn back immediately!
Record790=Mission|Vietnam|DMZ4|Mission_Sounds\Vietnam\DMZ4.wav|You entered the demilitarized zone, return to your base immediately!
Record791=Mission|Vietnam|FirstAirfield1|Mission_Sounds\Vietnam\FirstAirfield1.wav|Austin, Red Crown, watch out, there might be MiGs right ahead.
Record792=Mission|Vietnam|FirstAirfield4|Mission_Sounds\Vietnam\FirstAirfield4.wav|All flights, watch out for Triple-As in target vicinity.
Record793=Mission|Vietnam|FirstAirfield5|Mission_Sounds\Vietnam\FirstAirfield5.wav|There are some MiGs waiting for line-up. Let's get them!
Record794=Mission|Vietnam|FirstAirfield6|Mission_Sounds\Vietnam\FirstAirfield6.wav|This is Red Crown, more Bogies incoming from the north. I'm sending for some backup.
Record795=Mission|Vietnam|FirstAirfield7|Mission_Sounds\Vietnam\FirstAirfield7.wav|Olds is over the target.
Record796=Mission|Vietnam|FirstAirfield8|Mission_Sounds\Vietnam\FirstAirfield8.wav|Olds 2 is hit, going down, going down!
Record797=Mission|Vietnam|FirstAirfield9|Mission_Sounds\Vietnam\FirstAirfield9.wav|Olds 3, watch out! Missile right ahead!
Record798=Mission|Vietnam|Khe1|Mission_Sounds\Vietnam\Khe1.wav|Austin, Sky Dog, good to have you here. I've got a cargo coming in to land, and there's a Charlie Triple-A, west of the camp, take it out before the heavies come to land. I'm popping orange smoke on the target!
Record799=Mission|Vietnam|Khe10|Mission_Sounds\Vietnam\Khe10.wav|Austin, Sky Dog the VC are getting near, push it up!
Record800=Mission|Vietnam|Khe11|Mission_Sounds\Vietnam\Khe11.wav|Austin, Sky Dog, I've got an incoming Jolly Green, callsign Dallas, to evacuate wounded, and there's a Charlie gun to my north firing at everything that moves. Take it out, please and be fast! Orange smoke!
Record802=Mission|Vietnam|Khe13|Mission_Sounds\Vietnam\Khe13.wav|This is Sky Dog, I'm popping Orange smoke now!
Record803=Mission|Vietnam|Khe2|Mission_Sounds\Vietnam\Khe2.wav|Austin, Sky Dog, I have another cargo coming in, and there's a Charlie AAA gun to our North, take it out, fast! I'm popping smoke now!
Record804=Mission|Vietnam|Khe3|Mission_Sounds\Vietnam\Khe3.wav|Austin, Sky Dog, incoming Charlie convoy from the North, push it up, please, they're close! Orange smoke!
Record807=Mission|Vietnam|Khe6|Mission_Sounds\Vietnam\Khe6.wav|Austin, Sky Dog, there's Triple-A in the bush, east of the camp, I can't land the chopper till you blow it to pieces, push it up! Smoke!
Record809=Mission|Vietnam|Khe8|Mission_Sounds\Vietnam\Khe8.wav|Stingray, Sky Dog, the whole area west of the camp is crawling with commies, permission granted to send them back to their rice paddies!
Record810=Mission|Vietnam|Khe9|Mission_Sounds\Vietnam\Khe9.wav|T-Bird, Sky Dog, there's some Charlie movement to my north, be my guest and nape'em.
Record811=Mission|Vietnam|Lin1|Mission_Sounds\Vietnam\Lin1.wav|Wow, look at all those commie ships!
Record812=Mission|Vietnam|Lin2|Mission_Sounds\Vietnam\Lin2.wav|Austin, Red Crown, you are authorized to shoot only targets that fire at you, those that do not are civilian ships. They must not be harmed!
Record813=Mission|Vietnam|Lin3|Mission_Sounds\Vietnam\Lin3.wav|Damn, we sunk a civilian ship!
Record814=Mission|Vietnam|Lin4|Mission_Sounds\Vietnam\Lin4.wav|Austin, Dolphin 1. I've managed to spot the smugglers ships, they are the northern and the southern ships, I repeat the northern and the southern ships. You are clear to Engage.
Record815=Mission|Vietnam|Never1|Mission_Sounds\Vietnam\Never1.wav|Austin, Sandy 1, tally Triple-A up ahead, the Jolly can't get through, request help.
Record816=Mission|Vietnam|Never10|Mission_Sounds\Vietnam\Never10.wav|Austin, Sandy 1, we're spotting a Charlie convoy heading for our guys! We're out of ammo...The convoy is coming from the west!
Record817=Mission|Vietnam|Never11|Mission_Sounds\Vietnam\Never11.wav|Oh no...Jolly is hit, Jolly down, Jolly down !
Record818=Mission|Vietnam|Never12|Mission_Sounds\Vietnam\Never12.wav|This is Jolly 6-0, I'm in friendly territory, thanks a lot guys!
Record819=Mission|Vietnam|Never13|Mission_Sounds\Vietnam\Never13.wav|Crap, they're in the bushàopen fire everyoneàPeteàfire, fireàthe commies are in the bushà
Record820=Mission|Vietnam|Never14|Mission_Sounds\Vietnam\Never14.wav|Austin, Austin, this is Nail 7 - 5, our guys got ambushed near waypoint 3, help them out, fast!
Record821=Mission|Vietnam|Never15|Mission_Sounds\Vietnam\Never15.wav|Austin from Nail 7 - 5, our boys are in the village, and Charlie's in the bush, west of the village, give 'em hell!
Record822=Mission|Vietnam|Never16|Mission_Sounds\Vietnam\Never16.wav|Austin, Austin, push it up, the Charlie convoy is closing on our boys!
Record823=Mission|Vietnam|Never17|Mission_Sounds\Vietnam\Never17.wav|Jolly, Nail 7 - 5, the Minnesota crew is in waypoint 2, call them on this freq, I'm low on gas, going to refuel, be back later.
Record825=Mission|Vietnam|Never2|Mission_Sounds\Vietnam\Never2.wav|Minnesota 1, do you copy?
Record826=Mission|Vietnam|Never3|Mission_Sounds\Vietnam\Never3.wav|Jolly, Minnesota 1, we copy, we're in the zoo, and Charlie's not too far away, so speed it up guys!
Record827=Mission|Vietnam|Never4|Mission_Sounds\Vietnam\Never4.wav|Minnesota 1, can you tell me what Jimmy plays on?
Record828=Mission|Vietnam|Never5|Mission_Sounds\Vietnam\Never5.wav|Jolly, Minnesota, yeah, yeah, it's a guitar.
Record829=Mission|Vietnam|Never6|Mission_Sounds\Vietnam\Never6.wav|Minnesota, this is Jolly, right-o, hang on guys, we're on our jolly way.
Record830=Mission|Vietnam|Never7|Mission_Sounds\Vietnam\Never7.wav|Minnesota, Jolly, pop a smoke.
Record831=Mission|Vietnam|Never8|Mission_Sounds\Vietnam\Never8.wav|OK, OK I see them, lowering the tree itàOKà
Record832=Mission|Vietnam|Never9|Mission_Sounds\Vietnam\Never9.wav|This is Jolly 6-0, I have survivors on board, egressing east.
Record833=Mission|Vietnam|Busting1|Mission_Sounds\Vietnam\Busting1.wav|Everybody watch out, there are Triple-As all around the target.
Record834=Mission|Vietnam|Busting10|Mission_Sounds\Vietnam\Busting10.wav|Buick 1, from Buick 2, I am ready for designating the target.
Record835=Mission|Vietnam|Busting11|Mission_Sounds\Vietnam\Busting11.wav|Austin, target is designated, let's show'em what they got for Christmas.
Record836=Mission|Vietnam|Busting12|Mission_Sounds\Vietnam\Busting12.wav|Buick, target is designated, you may send in your load.
Record837=Mission|Vietnam|Busting13|Mission_Sounds\Vietnam\Busting13.wav|Oh yeaaa! The bridge is up in the air, at last!
Record838=Mission|Vietnam|Busting14|Mission_Sounds\Vietnam\Busting14.wav|Shack! Blown to pieces!
Record839=Mission|Vietnam|Busting15|Mission_Sounds\Vietnam\Busting15.wav|Ford, I'm designating the target in 30 seconds.
Record841=Mission|Vietnam|Busting17|Mission_Sounds\Vietnam\Busting17.wav|Corvette, target is designated, let's show'em what they got for Christmas.
Record842=Mission|Vietnam|Busting18|Mission_Sounds\Vietnam\Busting18.wav|All formations, the SAM was destroyed. Corvette, clear to ingress.
Record843=Mission|Vietnam|Busting19|Mission_Sounds\Vietnam\Busting19.wav|Corvette, Buick, hold position. We've got problems with that SAM.
Record844=Mission|Vietnam|Busting2|Mission_Sounds\Vietnam\Busting2.wav|Ground troops are shooting SA-7 missiles from those trucks at the bridge, stay alert!
Record845=Mission|Vietnam|Busting20|Mission_Sounds\Vietnam\Busting20.wav|Corvette Red Crown, hold position! I repeat, hold position!
Record846=Mission|Vietnam|Busting21|Mission_Sounds\Vietnam\Busting21.wav|Corvette Red Crown, clear to ingress, watch out for the northern SAM!
Record855=Mission|Training|BasicAG24|Mission_Sounds\Training\BasicAG24.wav|You didn't choose MK-82. Press Left Bracket until you see MK-82.
Record856=Mission|Training|BasicAG26|Mission_Sounds\Training\BasicAG26.wav|Now, taxi to Runway 22 and take off. We'll continue talking after we're airborne.
Record857=Mission|Training|BasicAG27|Mission_Sounds\Training\BasicAG27.wav|Now, taxi to Runway 22 and takeoff. I'll be following you. We'll continue talking after we're airborne.
Record858=Mission|Training|StepDown20|Mission_Sounds\Training\StepDown20.wav|You can take off now.
Record859=Mission|Single|AF17|Mission_Sounds\Single\AF17.wav|Air Force 1, turning back.
Record860=Mission|Single|AF18|Mission_Sounds\Single\AF18.wav|This is Air Force 1, I'm still getting enemy locks!
Record861=Mission|Single|AF19|Mission_Sounds\Single\AF19.wav|This is Air Force 1, I'm turning west!
Record862=Mission|Single|AF20|Mission_Sounds\Single\AF20.wav|Air Force 1, ten minutes to landing.
Record863=Mission|Single|AF21|Mission_Sounds\Single\AF21.wav|Air Force 1, five minutes to landing.
Record864=Mission|Single|AF22|Mission_Sounds\Single\AF22.wav|This is Air Force 1, I've landed safely. Thanks guys!
Record865=Mission|Multiplayer|RedConvoy10|Mission_Sounds\Multiplayer\RedConvoy10.wav|Red convoy destroyed! Blue side wins!
Record866=Mission|Multiplayer|RedConvoy11|Mission_Sounds\Multiplayer\RedConvoy11.wav|Red convoy is eight miles to target!
Record867=Mission|Multiplayer|RedConvoy12|Mission_Sounds\Multiplayer\RedConvoy12.wav|Red convoy, now five miles to target!
Record869=Mission|Gulf|Firstkill10|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Firstkill10.wav|Yeehaa! Splash that one, that's for Saadam.
Record870=Mission|Gulf|Firstkill11|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Firstkill11.wav|It's a kill, It's a kill! He's going down in flames. Look at that sucker burns.
Record871=Mission|Gulf|Firstkill12|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Firstkill12.wav|Wow, got him. What an explosion. That's for George.
Record872=Mission|Gulf|Firstkill8|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Firstkill8.wav|Splash two, good job. Charlie, two missiles 2 o'clock, take it down.
Record873=Mission|Gulf|Heavy19|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Heavy19.wav|Austin, Buick from Buckeye, bandits coming from the east, they're after Shell, clear to engage
Record874=Mission|Gulf|Heavy20|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Heavy20.wav|Buick, Buckeye, bandits approaching Shell, five miles from the east!
Record875=Mission|Gulf|Heavy21|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Heavy21.wav|Shell, Buckeye, turn west, bogies are coming from the east.
Record876=Mission|Gulf|Heavy22|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Heavy22.wav|This is Shell, roger.
Record877=Mission|Gulf|Heavy23|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Heavy23.wav|This is Shell, tally bandits, engaged defensive. Come get these suckers off my tail.
Record886=Mission|Gulf|Showdown13|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Showdown13.wav|Buckeye, Ford, I have a fuel leak, request vector to Shell!
Record887=Mission|Gulf|Showdown14|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Showdown14.wav|Olds 2, SAM launch, SAM launch, jink, chaff!
Record888=Mission|Gulf|Showdown15|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Showdown15.wav|Buckeye, Victoria, reporting on CAP.
Record889=Mission|Gulf|Showdown16|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Showdown16.wav|Buckeye, T-bird, target missed, I'm ingressing again for second run.
Record890=Mission|Gulf|Where1|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Where1.wav|Austin, IP inbound, multiple mud-spikes from target area. Ten miles to launch.
Record891=Mission|Gulf|Where13|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Where13.wav|Dodge, Skid has a tally. Careful, we're close. I'm 360 from you.
Record892=Mission|Gulf|Where2|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Where2.wav|Austin, egressing west. Lots of smoke from target area.
Record893=Mission|Gulf|Where3|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Where3.wav|SAM launch! SAM launch!
Record894=Mission|Gulf|Where5|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Where5.wav|Buick, Enfield, tally-ho, north of you.
Record895=Mission|Gulf|Where9|Mission_Sounds\Gulf\Where9.wav|There goes the control tower!
Record896=Mission|Grand_Canyon|Load1|Mission_Sounds\Grand_Canyon\Load1.wav|Austin, Nellis, I've got two incoming bandits from the east, need your help!
Record897=Mission|Germany|Special4|Mission_Sounds\Germany\Special4.wav|T-Bird, one minute to target.
Record898=Mission|Germany|Red9|Mission_Sounds\Germany\Red9.wav|The cruise missiles are getting near, push it up!
Record899=Mission|Germany|Finders1|Mission_Sounds\Germany\Finders1.wav|Big Bird, Austin, ten miles to radar station, going in.
Record900=Mission|Germany|Finders10|Mission_Sounds\Germany\Finders10.wav|Buick Big Bird. Two Fulcrums approaching Smoky, clear to engage.
Record901=Mission|Germany|Finders11|Mission_Sounds\Germany\Finders11.wav|Smokie 1, Fulcrums, right above us! Buick, Smoky, where are you!?
Record902=Mission|Germany|Finders12|Mission_Sounds\Germany\Finders12.wav|Big bird, Corvette, ten miles to SAM site.
Record903=Mission|Germany|Finders13|Mission_Sounds\Germany\Finders13.wav|Big Bird, Corvette, SAM battery destroyed, clear to ingress.
Record904=Mission|Germany|Finders14|Mission_Sounds\Germany\Finders14.wav|Copy that, I'm one minute to landing.
Record905=Mission|Germany|Finders15|Mission_Sounds\Germany\Finders15.wav|Corvette and Dodge, incoming bandits, Flankers, clear to engage!
Record906=Mission|Germany|Finders16|Mission_Sounds\Germany\Finders16.wav|Dodge, Smokie, enemy tanks coming for me, take them down, take them down!
Record907=Mission|Germany|Finders17|Mission_Sounds\Germany\Finders17.wav|This is Smokie, the cargo was delivered, I'm getting out of here.
Record908=Mission|Germany|Finders18|Mission_Sounds\Germany\Finders18.wav|This is Flanker 1. I'm in the aircraft, preparing for takeoff.
Record909=Mission|Germany|Finders19|Mission_Sounds\Germany\Finders19.wav|Dodge, Flanker 1, there's a T-72 tank right next to the runway, this guy's looking straight at me, take it down!
Record910=Mission|Germany|Finders2|Mission_Sounds\Germany\Finders2.wav|Big Bird, Austin, target destroyed, all flights are clear to ingress.
Record916=Mission|Germany|Finders25|Mission_Sounds\Germany\Finders25.wav|Flanker 1, entering friendly territory. Nice job guys!
Record917=Mission|Germany|Finders3|Mission_Sounds\Germany\Finders3.wav|Austin Big Bird. The target must be destroyed. Repeat, must be destroyed.
Record918=Mission|Germany|Finders4|Mission_Sounds\Germany\Finders4.wav|All USAF flights this is Big Bird. Early Warning Radar site has not been destroyed. Bandits taking off from Salzburg, heading west.
Record919=Mission|Germany|Finders5|Mission_Sounds\Germany\Finders5.wav|Smokie, Big Bird. Enemy choppers north of you, watch out!
Record920=Mission|Germany|Finders6|Mission_Sounds\Germany\Finders6.wav|Smokie, copy that, we're gonna need some help.
Record921=Mission|Germany|Finders7|Mission_Sounds\Germany\Finders7.wav|Buick, Big Bird, enemy choppers north of Smokie, clear to engage.
Record922=Mission|Germany|Finders8|Mission_Sounds\Germany\Finders8.wav|Buick, Smokie, hostile choppers one mile away from me, I need your help!
Record924=Mission|Germany|GerAcSup1|Mission_Sounds\Germany\GerAcSup1.wav|Dodge, this is Landsberg, friendly flights joining from the north.
Record925=Mission|Germany|GerAcSup2|Mission_Sounds\Germany\GerAcSup2.wav|Dodge! Dodge! This is Landsberg, scramble now! Bandits south of me!
Record926=Mission|Germany|GerAcSup3|Mission_Sounds\Germany\GerAcSup3.wav|Corvette this is Landsberg! Incoming MiGs east of me! Details in a moment.
Record927=Mission|Germany|GerAcSup4|Mission_Sounds\Germany\GerAcSup4.wav|This is Corvette, we are taking care of this eastern intruders.
Record928=Mission|Germany|GerAcSup5|Mission_Sounds\Germany\GerAcSup5.wav|Landsberg, Austin 1, we've got bandits on our radar, but we're bingo. We can't take care of them.
Record929=Mission|Germany|GerAcSup6|Mission_Sounds\Germany\GerAcSup6.wav|Landsberg, Buick, MiGs all over the place! We are really low on fuel, gotta land!
Record930=Mission|Germany|SALZ1|Mission_Sounds\Germany\SALZ1.wav|Austin, Parrot, I have visual with two radars in the target area. The northern radar is a fake, IÆll designate the southern one in a few moments.
Record931=Mission|Germany|SALZ2|Mission_Sounds\Germany\SALZ2.wav|Austin 1, it looks like there are clouds in the target area.
Record932=Mission|Germany|SALZ3|Mission_Sounds\Germany\SALZ3.wav|Austin, Big Bird, multiple MiGs approaching target area, destroy the target and clear the area for Buick! Push it up!
Record933=Mission|Germany|SALZ4|Mission_Sounds\Germany\SALZ4.wav|Austin, Parrot, southern target is designated, clear to destroy it!
Record934=Mission|Germany|SALZ5|Mission_Sounds\Germany\SALZ5.wav|Austin 1, 2, itÆs a Russian stealth fighter, watch out!
Record945=General|Wingman|General92|Mission_Sounds\General\General92.wav|Austin, clean 'em up, green 'em up! We're going in!
Record946=General|Wingman|General93|Mission_Sounds\General\General93.wav|Buick green 'em up.
Record947=General|Wingman|General94|Mission_Sounds\General\General94.wav|Corvette, clean'em up and green'em up.
Record948=General|Wingman|General95|Mission_Sounds\General\General95.wav|Dodge, green 'em up!
Record949=General|Wingman|General96|Mission_Sounds\General\General96.wav|Austin 1 is down!
Record950=General|Wingman|General97|Mission_Sounds\General\General97.wav|Austin 2 was shot down!
Record951=General|Wingman|General98|Mission_Sounds\General\General98.wav|Mayday, Mayday, Austin 3 is down!
Record952=General|Wingman|General99|Mission_Sounds\General\General99.wav|Austin 4 was shot down!
Record953=General|Wingman|General100|Mission_Sounds\General\General100.wav|Mayday! Mayday! Buick 1 is down! Requesting SAR!
Record954=General|Wingman|General101|Mission_Sounds\General\General101.wav|Buick 2 is down!
Record955=General|Wingman|General102|Mission_Sounds\General\General102.wav|Buick 3 just went down!
Record956=General|Wingman|General103|Mission_Sounds\General\General103.wav|Buick 4 was shot down!
Record957=General|Wingman|General104|Mission_Sounds\General\General104.wav|Corvette 1 is down!
Record958=General|Wingman|General105|Mission_Sounds\General\General105.wav|Mayday! Mayday! Corvette 2 went down! We need a chopper!
Record959=General|Wingman|General106|Mission_Sounds\General\General106.wav|Corvette 3 was shot down!
Record960=General|Wingman|General107|Mission_Sounds\General\General107.wav|Corvette 4 went down!
Record961=General|Wingman|General108|Mission_Sounds\General\General108.wav|Dodge 1 is down!
Record962=General|Wingman|General109|Mission_Sounds\General\General109.wav|Dodge 2 is going down!
Record963=General|Wingman|General110|Mission_Sounds\General\General110.wav|Mayday! Mayday! Dodge 3 was shot down!
Record964=General|Wingman|General111|Mission_Sounds\General\General111.wav|Dodge 4 is down! Dodge 4 is down!
Record965=General|Wingman|General112|Mission_Sounds\General\General112.wav|Are you out of your mind? This is a friendly! Return to landing immediately and report to your commander! You're grounded for good!
Record966=General|Wingman|General113|Mission_Sounds\General\General113.wav|What are you doing? It's a friendly!
Record974=Mission|Training|Landing30|Mission_Sounds\Training\Landing30.wav|You are going too fast!
Record975=General|Control|FlyNow1|Mission_Sounds\General\FlyNow1.wav|Austin, you are now over Germany. Multiple bandits inbound. Clear to engage all targets.
Record976=General|Control|FlyNow2|Mission_Sounds\General\FlyNow2.wav|Austin, you are over the US. Multiple bandits arriving from all directions. Clear to engage.
Record977=General|Control|FlyNow3|Mission_Sounds\General\FlyNow3.wav|Austin, you are over Iraqi territory. Incoming bandits in large numbers. Clear to engage.
Record978=General|Control|FlyNow4|Mission_Sounds\General\FlyNow4.wav|Austin, you are now over Vietnam. Clear to engage all bandits in the area.
Record979=General|Control|Demo2|Mission_Sounds\General\Demo2.wav|Austin, multiple bandits taking off from the airfield in front of you. Clear to engage all targets in the area. Good luck!
Record980=General|Control|Demo7|Mission_Sounds\General\Demo7.wav|Austin, destroy the control tower.
Record981=General|Control|Demo5|Mission_Sounds\General\Demo5.wav|Control tower eliminated. Good job!
Record02=2|Lt|7500|\Menu\DME\Ranks\Rank02.bmp|Congratulations <callsign>. We are pleased to award you the rank of Lieutenant. You now have access to the Red Flag Exercise.
Record03=3|Captain|50000|\Menu\DME\Ranks\Rank03.bmp|Congratulations <callsign>. We are proud to award you the rank of Captain.
Record04=4|Major|90000|\Menu\DME\Ranks\Rank04.bmp|Congratulations <callsign>. We are proud to award you the rank of Major.
Record05=5|Lt. Col.|130000|\Menu\DME\Ranks\Rank05.bmp|Congratulations <callsign>. We are proud to award you the rank of Lieutenant Colonel.
Record06=6|Col.|170000|\Menu\DME\Ranks\Rank06.bmp|Congratulations <callsign>. We are proud to award you the rank of Colonel.
Record07=7|Brig. Gen.|220000|\Menu\DME\Ranks\Rank07.bmp|Congratulations <callsign>. We are proud to award you the rank of Brigadier General.
Record08=8|Maj. Gen.|270000|\Menu\DME\Ranks\Rank08.bmp|Congratulations <callsign>. We are proud to award you the rank of Major General.
Record09=9|Lt. Gen.|320000|\Menu\DME\Ranks\Rank09.bmp|Congratulations <callsign>. We are proud to award you the rank of Lieutenant General.
Record10=10|General|380000|\Menu\DME\Ranks\Rank10.bmp|Congratulations <callsign>. We are proud to award you the rank of General. This is the highest rank in the US Air Force.
Record02=30MM|Gun|FixedWeapon|GunBullet|Gatling GAU-8/A Gun, used in A-10.|Western|AA Gun|AG|100|50|0|0|0|0|0|[None]
Record03=4000LB|[None]|MineWeapon|FuelTank|Wing or Centerline Tank.|Western|Other|AA|0|0|21|4200|0|0|F15 fuel tank|Misc
Record04=A-10_FuelTank|2000Lb|MineWeapon|FuelTank|Wing or Centerline Tank.|Western|Other|Other|0|0|5|2000|0|1|A-10 fuel Tank|Misc
Record05=AA10|[None]|HomingWeapon|SemiRadarMissile|Medium and long range IR and radar guided air-to-air missiles.|Eastern|AA Missile|AA|300|40|10|530|2.00|0|AA10|AA
Record06=AA11|[None]|HomingWeapon|SemiRadarMissile|Medium range IR guided air-to-air missile.|Eastern|AA Missile|AA|300|40|5|530|2|0|AA11|AA
Record07=AA2D|[None]|HomingWeapon|TailHeatMissile|Short range IR and radar guided air-to-air missile.|Eastern|AA Missile|AA|250|20|5|200|1|0|AA2|AA
Record08=AA6|[None]|HomingWeapon|TailHeatMissile|Medium range IR and radar guided air-to-air missile.|Eastern|AA Missile|AA|150|20|5|250|1|0|AA-6|AA
Record09=AA8|[None]|HomingWeapon|HeatMissile|Short range IR air-to-air missile.|Eastern|AA Missile|AA|200|30|8|143|2.00|0|AA8|AA
Record10=AAAHovet|AAA|FixedWeapon|GunBullet|Gun bullet for AAA guns|Western|AA Gun|Gun|5|5|0|0|0|0|0|[None]
Record11=AGM-130|[None]|GuidedWeapon|TVMissile|Medium-range, TV- and IIR -guided, air-to-surface missile.|Western|AGMissiles|AG|20000|60|20|2000|1|0|AGM-130|TV
Record12=AGM-142|[None]|GuidedWeapon|TVMissile|Long Range , TV- --guided, air-to-surface missile.|Western|AGMissiles|AG|20000|60|20|2000|1|0|AGM-142|TV
Record15=AGM65B|[None]|HomingWeapon|Mavrick|Short and medium range TV-guided air-to-surface missiles.|Western|AGMissiles|AG|1000|20|15|465|0|0|AGM65b|TV
Record16=AGM65D|[None]|HomingWeapon|Mavrick|Short and medium range, IIR (imaging infrared seeker) guided air-to-surface missiles.|Western|AGMissiles|AG|1000|20|15|485|0|0|AGM65d|TV
Record17=AGM88|[None]|HomingWeapon|HARM|Medium range anti-radar air-to-surface missile.|Western|AGMissiles|AG|2000|20|15|600|0|0|AGM88|HARM
Record18=AIM120|AIM-120|HomingWeapon|RadarMissile|Medium range self-illuminating radar guided air-to-air missile.|Western|AA Missile|AA|400|25|10|345|3|20|AIM-120|AA
Record19=AIM7M|[None]|HomingWeapon|SemiRadarMissile|Medium range radar guided air-to-air missile.|Western|AA Missile|AA|400|25|13|500|2|0|AIM 7M|AA
Record20=AIM9B|[None]|HomingWeapon|TailHeatMissile|Short-range IR air-to-air missile. First generation.|Western|AA Missile|AA|400|30|8|164|1|0|AIM9B|AA
Record21=AIM9M|[None]|HomingWeapon|HeatMissile|Short-range IR air-to-air missile. Third generation. (all aspect).|Western|AA Missile|AA|400|25|8|190|3|0|AIM9M|AA
Record22=AIM9P|[None]|HomingWeapon|TailHeatMissile|Short-range IR air-to-air missile. Second generation.|Western|AA Missile|AA|400|25|8|190|2|0|AIM9P|AA
Record23=AIM9X|[None]|HomingWeapon|HeatMissile|Short-range IR air-to-air missile. Fourth generation.|Western|AA Missile|AA|400|30|2|190|5|0|AIM9X|AA
Record24=ALQ-119|[None]|MineWeapon|EcmPod|Airborne ECM, special purpose jamming pod. (Electronic Counter Measures).|Western|Other|Other|0|0|15|400|0|0|ALQ-119|Misc
Record25=ALQ-131|[None]|MineWeapon|EcmPod|Airborne ECM jamming pod. (Electronic Counter Measures).|Western|Other|Other|0|0|15|400|0|0|ALQ-131|Misc
Record26=Aim7B|[None]|HomingWeapon|SemiRadarMissile|Medium range, semi-active, air-to-air radar missile. First generation.|Western|AA Missile|AA|500|20|10|500|1|0|AIM 7B|AA
Record27=Aim7F|[None]|HomingWeapon|SemiRadarMissile|Medium range radar guided air-to-air missile.|Western|AA Missile|AA|500|20|10|500|2|0|AIM 7F|AA
Record28=Aim9L|[None]|HomingWeapon|HeatMissile|Short-range, IR air-to-air missile. Third generation. (all aspect, including flare rejection circuits)|Western|AA Missile|AA|400|25|8|192|3.00|0|AIM9L|AA
Record29=As14|[None]|HomingWeapon|SemiRadarMissile|Short range, Air to surface, TV or laser guided, Soviet standoff missile.|Eastern|AA Missile|AA|300|20|11|530|2.00|0|As14|AA
Record30=As16|[None]|HomingWeapon|SemiRadarMissile|Long range, Air to surface, TV or laser guided, Soviet standoff missile|Eastern|AA Missile|AA|300|20|11|530|2.00|0|As16|AA
Record59=Hellfire|[None]|HomingWeapon|TailHeatMissile|Homing Weapon for Western Helicopters.|Western|AA Missile|Other|150|15|0|0|1|0|AA-6|AA
Record60=LAU61|Hydra Rockets|FixedWeapon|Rocket|2.75 in. rocket-launcher.|Western|Other|Other|200|50|0|50|0|0|Hydra|[None]
Record61=LantirnPod|[None]|MineWeapon|FlirPod|Low Altitude Navigation and Targeting Infrared for Night.|Western|[None]|Other|0|0|15|400|0|0|LantirnPod|Misc
Record76=SA-2 Missile|SA-2|HomingWeapon|SAMmissile|Old SAM, used in Vietnam and Desert Storm|Eastern|SAM|Other|300|40|0|0|0|0|SA-2 Missile|[None]
Record77=SA-3 Missile|SA-3|HomingWeapon|SAMmissile|2nd Generation radar SAM. Used in Iraq and end of Vietnam War|Eastern|SAM|Other|250|30|0|0|0|0|SA-3 Missile|[None]
Record78=SA5Missile|SA-5|HomingWeapon|SAMmissile|Old SAM, used in Vietnam and Desert Storm|Eastern|SAM|Other|300|40|0|0|0|0|SA-5 Missile|[None]
Column0Prop=Name,string,[None],1,1,A list of all Wingman commands,[None]
Column0Prop=Name,string,[None],1,0,The name of this wizard.,[None]
Column1Prop=Description,string,[None],1,0,The path of a Text or HTML file that describes this wizard.,[None]
Record00=BARCAP|Defend a friendly structure or base from attacking enemy aircraft. The mission is successful if after a set time the defended objects are still intact, or if all attacking aircraft have been eliminated.
Record01=CAP|Combat Air Patrol. A/A mission. Search and destroy any enemy aircraft, or a specific air target. The mission is successful when all primary targets are destroyed.
Record02=CAS|Defend a friendly ground force from attacking enemy ground forces. The mission is successful if after a set time the defended force is still intact, or if all attacking forces have been eliminated.
Record03=Strike|Destroy one or more enemy ground targets. The mission is successful when all primary targets are destroyed.
Column8Prop=DefaultMissionEndTime,int,0,1,0,Default Mission End Time Event (in seconds).,[None]
Column9Prop=Description,string,[None],1,0,The path of a Text or HTML file that describe this stage.,[None]
Column10Prop=GroupNameDefault,FormationName:Name,[None],1,0,Used as default name in the Formation Tab.,[None]
Record00=BARCAP - Mission Info Setting|BARCAP|1|WizardBarCap_01|[None]|0|[None]|[None]|0|Please set the mission name, mission-start time, wind speed and direction and weather conditions in the Mission Tab on the left.|[None]
Record01=BARCAP - Mission Pass Time|BARCAP|2|WizardBarCap_02|[None]|0|[None]|[None]|900|Currently the mission is set to pass after 15 minutes if all 'Must Survive' objects are still alive.~If you wish to change the mission end time, press the 'Mission Events' button in the 'Mission Info' tab, select the 'Mission Pass Time' event and change the time in the 'If' tab to your desired time. |[None]
Record02=BARCAP - Defended US Objects|BARCAP|3|WizardBarCap_03|Must Survive|1|[None]|[None]|0|You may now add the objects to defend in this mission, such as buildings and vehicles. These objects must survive for the mission to succeed.~Drag the objectÆs icon from the object toolbar and locate it on the map, then edit its parameters on the left-hand side of the screen.~Note that all these entities must survive in order to pass the mission. If you wish to change some of the entities' status, open the 'Pass/Fail Conditions' window in the 'Mission Info' tab and delete them from the 'Must Survive' list.~Press Next after completing adding all objects. |[None]
Record03=BARCAP - US Ground Objects|BARCAP|4|WizardBarCap_04|[None]|0|[None]|[None]|0|Now you may add various US ground forces. It is recommended to add them at the defended area, to create a rich mission environment.~Drag the objectÆs icon from the object toolbar and locate it on the map, then edit its parameters on the left-hand side of the screen. You may set waypoints to define the force's path if you wish it to be mobile.~Press Next when finished.|[None]
Record04=BARCAP - Controllable US Flights|BARCAP|5|WizardBarCap_05|[None]|1|CAP|F-22|0|Now you may add USAF controllable flights. These flights may be flown by the player.~Drag the 'Controllable Flight' icon from the object toolbar and locate it on the map, then edit the flight parameters on the left-hand side of the screen.~Press Next when finished adding Flights.|[None]
Record05=BARCAP - Setting Waypoints|BARCAP|6|WizardBarCap_06|[None]|0|[None]|[None]|0|Now you should set the controllable flights' waypoints so that they would reach the target area.~Do so by selecting the desired flight in the 'Fighter Flight' tab or on the map and then adding waypoints using the 'Add Waypoints' button. You can also add, delete and edit a waypoint via the menu that opens when right-clicking on a waypoint. You can change the location of an existing waypoint on the map by dragging it with the mouse.|[None]
Record06=BARCAP - Setting Orbit Waypoint|BARCAP|7|WizardBarCap_07|[None]|0|[None]|[None]|0|You may open the properties menu of one of the flight waypoints, and change their flight stage to Orbit. Instead of flying straight to that waypoint the flight will orbit over the previous waypoint until an enemy aircraft arrives, or until the minimal fuel quantity for a safe return.~Press Next to continue.|[None]
Record07=BARCAP - Non Controllable US Flights|BARCAP|8|WizardBarCap_08|[None]|1|[None]|[None]|0|Now you may add USAF non-controllable flights. These flights may not be flown by the player.~Drag the friendly 'Fighter Flight' icon from the object toolbar and locate it on the map, then edit the flight parameters on the left-hand side of the screen. Setting waypoints for the non-controllable flights is the same as for the controllable ones.~Press Next when finished adding Flights.|[None]
Record08=BARCAP - Enemy Flights|BARCAP|9|WizardBarCap_09|[None]|1|Strike|SU-35|0|Now you may add enemy flights. You may set the flightÆs task to strike the friendly area, and set the primary targets to the defended friendly objects. You may also set the task to CAP or to escort.~Drag the enemy 'Fighter FlightÆ icon from the object toolbar and locate it on the map, then edit the flight parameters on the left-hand side of the screen. Setting waypoints for the enemy flights is the same as for the USAF ones.~Press Next when finished adding Flights.|[None]
Record09=BARCAP - Brief and pass/fail messages|BARCAP|10|WizardBarCap_10|[None]|0|[None]|[None]|0|To complete the mission design you should now write the mission brief and Pass / Fail messages.~Open the brief template by pressing the 'Brief' button in the Mission Info tab and fill in the brief text.~Then open the Pass / Fail messages text boxes by pressing the 'Pass / Fail Messages' button in the same tab and fill those in as well.~When done you may press 'Finish' and go fly.|[None]
Record10=CAP - Mission Info Setting|CAP|1|WizardCap_01|[None]|0|[None]|[None]|0|Please set the mission name, mission-start time, wind speed and direction and weather conditions in the Mission Tab on the left.|EnemyAAA1
Record11=CAP - Primary CAP Target|CAP|2|WizardCap_02|Must Destroy|1|[None]|[None]|0|Now you should set the CAP mission primary targets. These aircraft must be destroyed in order to pass the mission.~Drag the enemy 'Fighter Flight' icon from the object toolbar and locate it on the map, then edit the object parameters on the left hand side of the screen.~Note that all the target's members must be destroyed in order to pass the mission. If you wish to change some of the members' status, open the 'Pass/Fail Conditions' window in the 'Mission Info' tab and delete them from the 'Must Destroy' list.~Press Next when finished adding targets.|[None]
Record12=CAP - Setting Waypoints|CAP|3|WizardCap_03|[None]|0|[None]|[None]|0|Now you should set the prmary target flights' waypoints in order to define the path they will fly.~Do so by selecting the desired flight in the 'Fighter Flight' tab or on the map and then adding waypoints using the 'Add Waypoints' button. You can also add, delete and edit a waypoint via the menu that opens when right-clicking on a waypoint. You can change the location of an existing waypoint on the map by dragging it with the mouse. |[None]
Record13=CAP - Adding USAF Controllable Flights|CAP|4|WizardCap_04|[None]|1|CAP|F-22|0|Now you should add enemy ground objects such as buildings, SAM sites, AAA and convoys.~Drag the objectÆs icon from the object toolbar and locate it on the map, then edit the objectÆs parameters on the left-hand side of the screen.~Press Next when finished.|[None]
Record14=CAP - Setting the Primary Target|CAP|5|WizardCap_05|[None]|0|[None]|[None]|0|Now you should set the controllable flights' members' Primary Targets.~In the 'Controllable Flight' tab, set the 'Primary Target' pull-down menu to display the missionÆs CAP target. This will cause the AI controlled aircraft to attempt and intercept that target.|[None]
Record15=CAP - Selecting Orbit Waypoints|CAP|6|WizardCap_06|[None]|0|[None]|[None]|0|You may open the properties menu of one of the flight waypoints, and change their flight stage to Orbit. Instead of flying straight to that waypoint the flight will orbit over the previous waypoint until an enemy aircraft arrives, or until the minimal fuel quantity for a safe return.~Press Next to continue.|[None]
Record16=CAP - Adding USAF Non-Controllable Flights |CAP|7|WizardCap_07|[None]|1|[None]|[None]|0|Now you may add USAF non-controllable flights. These flights may not be flown by the player.~Drag the friendly 'Fighter FlightÆ icon from the object toolbar and locate it on the map, then edit the object parameters on the left hand side of the screen. Setting waypoints for the non-controllable flights is the same as for the controllable ones.~Press Next when finished adding flights.|[None]
Record17=CAP - Adding Enemy Air Defense|CAP|8|WizardCap_08|[None]|1|CAP|MiG-29(Russia)|0|Now you may add enemy flights. These aircraft will attempt to shoot down any USAF aircraft that approach them.~Drag the enemy 'Fighter FlightÆ icon from the object toolbar and locate it on the map, then edit the flight parameters on the left hand side of the screen. Setting waypoints for the enemy flights is the same as for the USAF ones.~Press Next when finished adding Flights.|[None]
Record18=CAP - Adding Enemy Ground Objects|CAP|9|WizardCap_09|[None]|1|[None]|[None]|0|Now you should add the enemy ground objects. These may be plain structures, or ground defense.~Drag the objectÆs icon from the object toolbar and locate it on the map, then edit the object's parameters on the left hand side of the screen.~Press Next when finished adding objects.|[None]
Record19=CAP - Brief and pass/fail messages|CAP|10|WizardCap_10|[None]|0|[None]|[None]|0|To complete the mission design you should now write the mission brief and Pass / Fail messages.~Open the brief template by pressing the 'Brief' button in the Mission Info tab and fill in the brief text.~Then open the Pass / Fail messages text boxes by pressing the 'Pass / Fail Messages' button in the same tab and fill those in as well.~When done you may press 'Finish' and go fly.|[None]
Record20=CAS - Mission Info Setting|CAS|1|WizardCas_01|[None]|0|[None]|[None]|0|Please set the mission name, mission-start time, wind speed and direction and weather conditions in the Mission Tab on the left.|[None]
Record21=CAS - Setting Mission Pass Time|CAS|2|WizardCas_02|[None]|0|[None]|[None]|900|Currently the mission is set to pass after 15 minutes if all 'Must Survive' objects are still alive.~If you wish to change the mission end time, press the 'Mission Events' button in the 'Mission Info' tab, select the 'Mission Pass Time' event and change the time in the 'If' tab to your desired time. |[None]
Record22=CAS - Setting the Supported US Force|CAS|3|WizardCas_03|Must Survive|1|[None]|[None]|0|Now you should add the Supported US Ground Force. This force must survive for the mission to pass.~Drag the objectÆs icon from the object toolbar and locate it on the map, then edit the object's parameters on the left-hand side of the screen. You may set waypoints to define the force's path if you wish it to be mobile.~Note that all the force's entities must survive in order to pass the mission. If you wish to change some of the members' status, open the 'Pass/Fail Conditions' window in the 'Mission Info' tab and delete them from the 'Must Survive' list.~Press Next when finished.|[None]
Record23=CAS - Attacking Enemy Force|CAS|4|WizardCas_04|[None]|1|[None]|[None]|0|Now you should add the attacking enemy ground force. This force will attempt to destroy all US ground forces in the area.~Drag the objectÆs icon from the object toolbar and locate it on the map, then edit the objectÆs parameters on the left-hand side of the screen. It is recommended to set waypoints for the attacking force so that it reaches the vicinity of the US force. If no waypoints are set the force will remain stationary.~Press Next when finished.|[None]
Record24=CAS - Enemy Ground Objects|CAS|5|WizardCas_05|[None]|0|[None]|[None]|0|Now you should add enemy ground objects such as buildings, SAM sites, AAA and convoys.~Drag the objectÆs icon from the object toolbar and locate it on the map, then edit the objectÆs parameters on the left-hand side of the screen.~Press Next when finished.|[None]
Record25=CAS - Controllable US Flights|CAS|6|WizardCas_06|[None]|1|CAS|A-10|0|Now you may add USAF controllable flights. These flights may be flown by the player.~Drag the friendly 'Controllable FlightÆ icon from the object toolbar and locate it on the map, then edit the flight parameters on the leftûhand side of the screen.~Press Next when finished adding Flights.|[None]
Record26=CAS - Setting Waypoints|CAS|7|WizardCas_07|[None]|0|[None]|[None]|0|Now you should set the controllable flights' waypoints so that they would reach the target area.~Do so by selecting the desired flight in the 'Controllable Flight' tab or on the map and then adding waypoints using the 'Add Waypoints' button. You can also add, delete and edit a waypoint via the menu that opens when right-clicking on a waypoint. You can change the location of an existing waypoint on the map by dragging it with the mouse.|[None]
Record27=CAS - Non-Controllable US Flights|CAS|8|WizardCas_08|[None]|1|[None]|[None]|0|Now you may add USAF non-controllable flights. These flights may not be flown by the player.~Drag the friendly 'Fighter FlightÆ icon from the object toolbar and locate it on the map, then edit the flight parameters on the left-hand side of the screen. Setting waypoints for the non-controllable flights is the same as for the controllable ones.~Press Next when finished adding Flights.|[None]
Record28=CAS - Enemy Air Defense|CAS|9|WizardCas_09|[None]|1|CAP|MiG-29(Russia)|0|Now you may add enemy flights.~Drag the enemy 'Fighter FlightÆ icon from the object toolbar and locate it on the map, then edit the flight parameters on the left-hand side of the screen. It is recomanded to set the aircraft task to Strike (attack US ground targets) or to CAP (attack USAF aircraft).~Setting waypoints for the enemy flights is the same as for the USAF ones.~Press Next when finished adding Flights.|[None]
Record29=CAS - Brief and pass/fail messages|CAS|10|WizardCas_10|[None]|0|[None]|[None]|0|To complete the mission design you should now write the mission brief and Pass / Fail messages.~Open the brief template by pressing the 'Brief' button in the Mission Info tab and fill in the brief text.~Then open the Pass / Fail messages text boxes by pressing the 'Pass / Fail Messages' button in the same tab and fill those in as well.~When done you may press 'Finish' and go fly.|[None]
Record30=Strike - Mission Info Setting|Strike|1|WizardStrike_01|[None]|0|[None]|[None]|0|Please set the mission name, mission-start time, wind speed and direction and weather conditions in the Mission Tab on the left.|[None]
Record31=Strike - Setting Mission Target|Strike|2|WizardStrike_02|Must Destroy|1|[None]|[None]|0|Now you should set the strike mission primary target. This target must be destroyed to pass the mission.~Drag the targetÆs icon from the object toolbar and locate it on the map, then edit the object parameters on the left-hand side of the screen. You may add more than one primary target. If the target is a mobile one you can set waypoints to define its path.~Note that all the target's members must be destroyed in order to pass the mission. If you wish to change some of the members' status, open the 'Pass/Fail Conditions' window in the 'Mission Info' tab and delete them from the 'Must Destroy' list.~Press Next when done.|[None]
Record32=Strike - Setting Ground Defense|Strike|3|WizardStrike_03|[None]|1|[None]|[None]|0|Now you should add the enemy ground defense. These are ground objects defending the target, such as SAM and AAA guns.~Drag the objectÆs icon from the object toolbar and locate it on the map, then edit the object parameters on the left-hand side of the screen.|[None]
Record33=Strike - Setting Structures|Strike|4|WizardStrike_04|[None]|0|[None]|[None]|0|Now you should add enemy structures. These are ground objects, that have no effect on mission process, such as buildings.~Drag the objectÆs icon from the object toolbar and locate it on the map, then edit the object parameters on the left-hand side of the screen.|[None]
Record34=Strike - Setting US Strike Flight|Strike|5|WizardStrike_05|[None]|1|Strike|F-15E|0|Now you should add the strike flight. This is the USAF flight that will approach the primary strike target and attempt to strike it. This flight may be flown by the player.~Drag the controllable flight icon from the object toolbar and locate it on the map, then edit the object parameters on the left-hand side of the screen.|[None]
Record35=Strike - Setting Primary Targets|Strike|6|WizardStrike_06|[None]|0|[None]|[None]|0|Now you should set the strike flight's members' Primary Targets.~In the Controllable Flights Tab, set the Primary Target Pull-Down Menu to display the MissionÆs Strike target. This will cause the A/I controlled aircraft to attempt to strike that target.|[None]
Record36=Strike - Setting Strike Flight's Waypoints|Strike|7|WizardStrike_07|[None]|0|[None]|[None]|0|Now you should set the strike flight's waypoints so it would reach the primary target.~Do so by selecting the desired flight in the 'Controllable Flight' tab or on the map and then adding waypoints using the 'Add Waypoints' button. You can also add, delete and edit a waypoint via the menu that opens when right-clicking on a waypoint. You can change the location of an existing waypoint on the map by dragging it with the mouse. |[None]
Record37=Strike - Adding other US Controllable Flights|Strike|8|WizardStrike_08|[None]|1|[None]|[None]|0|Now you may add other USAF controllable flights. These flights may also be flown by the player.~Drag the 'Controlable FlightÆ icon from the object toolbar and locate it on the map, then edit the object parameters on the left-hand side of the screen. DonÆt forget to set waypoints for the different flights.|[None]
Record38=Strike - Adding US Non-controllable Flights|Strike|9|WizardStrike_09|[None]|1|[None]|[None]|0|Now you may add USAF non-controllable flights. These flights may not be flown by the player.~Drag the friendly 'Fighter FlightÆ icon from the object toolbar and locate it on the map, then edit the object parameters on the left-hand side of the screen. Setting waypoints for the non-controllable flights is the same as for the controllable ones.|[None]
Record39=Strike - Setting Enemy Air-Defense|Strike|10|WizardStrike_10|[None]|1|CAP|MiG-29(Russia)|0|Now you may add enemy flights defending the target. These aircraft will attempt to shoot down any USAF aircraft that approach them.~Drag the enemy 'Fighter FlightÆ icon from the object toolbar and locate it on the map, then edit the object parameters on the left-hand side of the screen. Setting waypoints for the enemy flights is the same as for the USAF ones.|[None]
Record40=Strike - Brief and pass/fail messages|Strike|11|WizardStrike_11|[None]|0|[None]|[None]|0|To complete the mission design you should now write the mission brief and Pass / Fail messages.~Open the brief template by pressing the 'Brief' button in the Mission Info tab and fill in the brief text.~Then open the Pass / Fail messages text boxes by pressing the 'Pass / Fail Messages' button in the same tab and fill those in as well.~When done you may press 'Finish' and go fly.|[None]